Assessing the impact of cell positioning via micropatterning on throughput, precision, and reproducibility of cell-based tests

In recent years, the concern with data reproducibility in preclinical research data has increased significantly. A survey performed by Nature showed more than 70% of published research is not reproducible and the issue is more concerning when it comes to biomedical research with only 10% of published work able to be reproduced. Scientists study the […]

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Implementation and deployment of a multi-modal underwater network

This project is intended to support the deployment of an underwater communication network, that is multi-hop and multi-modal. It relies on the combination of acoustic propagation and magnetic-induction to send the information from a remote instrument through a set of relay nodes and to a destination. To enable end-to-end transmission over a secured link, secured […]

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Evaluation of CH148 Rear Crew Hoist Mission Training Simulator

Indoor farming offers the opportunity to grow produce close to the consumer and has recently been gaining attention due to its efficiency, controllability, and sustainability. In indoor farming, food is grown indoors in a controllable environment, with stable environmental conditions. This approach reduces the land footprint required, the demand for energy and water, the nutrient […]

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A Novel AI-Based LED Grow Light

Indoor farming offers the opportunity to grow produce close to the consumer and has recently been gaining attention due to its efficiency, controllability, and sustainability. In indoor farming, food is grown indoors in a controllable environment, with stable environmental conditions. This approach reduces the land footprint required, the demand for energy and water, the nutrient […]

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Surface property optimization of an insulation coating for glass

The handling and storage of perishables like vaccines are critical to retain medical potency and effectiveness for patient administration. The delivery of vaccines can succumb to several pitfalls such as physical damage, losses in transit and expiration. One of the primary causes of vaccine wastage is a result of heat and freezing of the biological […]

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Machine learning-based optimization of a small-molecule suppressor of the cellular prion protein

A reduction in the levels of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) is expected to ameliorate cellular toxicity in both Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and prion diseases. The latter are invariably fatal diseases that include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as ‘Mad Cow Disease’, in cattle. To identify a rational method […]

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Micro- and Nanofluidics to Measure Fluid Performance in Unconventional Hydrocarbon Extraction

Oil recovery from underground reservoirs with small pore-scales can have environmental impacts that can be minimized with prior knowledge of the physics behind fluids/fluids and fluids/rock interaction and the type of fluid to employ for oil extraction. Currently, these analyses can be performed in laboratories at reservoir conditions with rock samples in large pressurized vessels […]

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Development of a microfluidic point-of-care diagnostic device for the discrimination between viral and bacterial infections as a means to reduce antibiotic resistance

The discrimination between viral and bacterial infections has long been a goal in the field of point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics. Such a diagnostic tool would prevent the over-prescription of antibiotics, a leading cause of antimicrobial resistance. Current standard methods involve sending patient samples (throat swabs, blood, urine) to specialized clinical labs. This usually involves expensive and […]

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Voice pitch cues in speech intelligibility, prosody, and memory consolidation, for cochlear implant users

Cochlear implants are surgical devices that allow deaf people to recover some form of hearing and understand speech. However, current devices are limited, particularly in terms of their ability to transmit voice pitch information. Users have to compensate for these limitations by spending additional resources to decode words, fill-in the gaps, and extract linguistic and […]

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Workplace Resilience Training: Evaluating the impact of the Be Fit at Work program on individual and organizational outcomes

This research has two main foci: (1) resilience and resilience intervention and (2) workplace dignity. The first main focus of this project is to evaluate Air Institute’s current evidence-informed Pathway to Resilience program, specifically their effectiveness in impacting the key resilience factors targeted in each workshop. This research will also examine data in order to […]

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Plant community responses to climate change in the northern boreal mountains

Globally, mountain regions (especially those at high latitudes) are undergoing rapid environmental change and plant communities are expected to respond by changing their locations or timing of flowering. Exactly how future plant communities in these regions will look and function is unknown but has important implications for local animals and human communities. Through this project, […]

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A comparative study of microwave-assisted rock fragmentation versus other explosive-free rock breakage technologies

The conventional mining method relies on drilling into a mass of rock, filling the holes with explosive materials, and blasting them. This process leads to extracting the valuable minerals out of mines. But blasting operation can cause several environmental issues like dust generation, ground vibration and so force. Additionally, there are some rich resources that […]

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