Catalytic Reforming, Hydrogenation, and Decarboxylation of Unsaturated Fatty Acid Esters over Non-noble Metal Catalyst

Biodiesel refers to a vegetable oil or animal fat based diesel fuel consisting of saturated and unsaturated long-chain alkyl esters. Low value biodiesel has been developed on a commercial scale, however the application is limited. The conversion of biodiesel to high value C8-16 n-alkanes currently uses metal catalysts (Pt/C), which is an expensive technique. Designing […]

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Developing 3D GIS Web Services and Applying It in Oil and Gas Pipeline Geographical Information System Year Two

Currently, developing 3D pipeline GIS (Geographical Information System) with 3D data interoperability is not only highly required by pipeline industry but also essential for building 3D SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure). This project proposes a novel approach to develop a new 3D GIS Web Services framework and components that is suitable for 3D Pipeline GIS and […]

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GEOIMPACT: Geophysical study of mid-size impact structures

The GEOIMPACT project aims to study several meteorite impact craters in Canada by using geophysical methods (for example seismic waves, electricity or magnetism). In the Solar System, meteorite impact craters are the most abundant morphologic features on rocky bodies (planets, asteroids) such as the Moon and Mars. However, the Earth has only about 180 known […]

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Strategic asset allocation from a Canadian investment perspective

The project ? Strategic Asset Allocation from a Canadian Investment Perspective ? will focus on the efficient allocation design for a Canadian investor. This will be achieved throughforecasting of long-term (5-10 years) expected returns of Canadian fixed income and equities, as well as US and global equities. The forecasts mostly rely on economic/fundamental analysis such […]

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Accelerate development of new technologies and applications for advanced water treatment.

Global population growth, urbanization and changing climate patterns have increased the demand for potable water, wastewater reuse and value recovery from wastewater, and treatment of industrial process water. Population growth also results in increased demand for the shipping of goods by ocean freight, with the associated risk of the transport of unwanted marine life from […]

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Ontology-based Middleware Services Facilitating Access to Data Sources

Many applications often need access to information from multiple independent data sources, including public sources found on the Internet and private sources e.g., hospitals. Software that sits between an application and the data sources, so called “middleware”, can help facilitate this access. However, development of this “middleware” can be very time consuming, is often only […]

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Quantitative Brain PET/MRI

Recently, positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been successfully combined into a single system that can collect clinical PET/MRI data simultaneously (Siemens Biograph mMR). With PET, a wide variety of tracers have been developed that can measure energy usage and concentrations of disease-specific features in the brain. In collaboration with Siemens […]

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