The luminescence of cavitation bubble generated by spark discharge in water

Cavitation bubble can be generated by ultrasound, laser or spark discharge underwater. It has good potential in the application of medical treatment, environmental treatment and surface cleaning. When the bubble collapse, the vapor inside will be compressed quickly and the temperature will rise to several thousand Kelvin, even reach ten of thousand Kelvin, and the […]

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Experimental and Computational Investigationson Catalytic Mechanism of Ethylene Polymerization over Ziegler-Natta Catalysts

Magnesium chloride (MgCI 2) is a commercial catalyst important for the production of polyolefin material. Although magnesium chloride has been used for over 50 years, the active site is still not entirely known. This research aims to learn more about the active site. The formation of defective magnesium chloride surfaces acts with Ziegler-Natta catalysts and […]

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Dynamic Modelling of Be Stars Disks

The proposed project is to create dynamic models of a Be Star Disk using the SINGLEBE code. This project will be the next paper in the series of papers titled; The Dynamical Evolution of Be Star Disks around Be Stars part I and III by Haubois and Carciofi et al. This series of papers are […]

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First-principle study on effects of electric field on perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy

The physical properties of materials not only depend on the chemical composition but also their microstructure. The properties and their relationship with the composition and microstructure were mainly studied by experiments and try-and-error method before. With the combination of physical principles and computers, now people may study the properties of materials through computer simulation. First-principle […]

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Green and Controlled Synthesis of Chiral Compounds

Organocatalysis is a method used where the rate of reaction is increased by an organic catalyst, referred to an an organocatalyst. The use of an organic compound eliminates the need to use a metal catalyst, deeming the project as “green”. The absence of the metal catalyst means there is no need for the expensive recovery […]

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In situ synthesis and characterization of cellulose Ag/AgCl composite photocatalyst

The research project I will be working on at Tianjin University is called the “in situ synthesis and characterization of cellulose Ag/AgCl composite photocatalyst.” During this project, we will be working with lignocellulosic-based composites, which have many applications in biology, medicine, dirt degradation, and wastewater treatment. A composite is defined as a material made of […]

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Determination of Solubilities of CO2 in Brines Under Geological Storage Conditions

More and more attention is being paid to the sequestration of CO2. The proposed methods for CO2 sequestration include geological sequestration, ocean sequestration, mineral sequestration, and so on. Among them, saline aquifers in geological sequestration can store the largest amount of CO2, and is the most promising method. At present, the study of CO2 sequestration […]

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