Investigating Insurance Insolvency in Canada’s Property and Casualty Industry

PACICC role is to compensate policyholders in scenarios where a P&C insurer can no longer provide compensation while overseeing the health of the P&C industry in Canada. The proposed project aims to improve PACICC’s ability to identity companies at risk of insolvency and improve strategies to minimize dead weight loss when insolvency is imminent. The […]

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Geochemical analysis of low-sulphidation epithermal deposits on the La Victoria property in the Ancash Department of the Republic of Peru

This research project will focus on analytical techniques related to determining the gold geochemistry of the La Victoria property in the western Peruvian Andes. The La Victoria property is found along a major gold belt that is host to some world class deposits such as Yanacocha, Lagunas Norte, La Arena and Shahuindo. Based on initial […]

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Setting risk margin for claims and premium liabilities in accordance with IFRS 17

This proposal deals with the pricing and risk management considerations of a property and casualty (P&C) insurance company. These considerations are within the context of a new accounting standard called IFRS 17, in which liabilities in insurance contracts will be measured prior to and during the exposure periods. We propose an implementable and accurate methodology, […]

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Anthropogenic impacts on the population dynamics of a critically endangered marine mammal

Economic development often has dire consequences for wildlife and environmental conservation. In Taiwan coastal waters, a small dolphin population is being affected by large-scale habitat loss and degradation resulting from development projects, pollution, vessel traffic and a massive fishing industry. The research aims to identify the threats having the greatest impacts on different aspects of […]

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Intraoperative Assessment of Humeral Implant Stability

This research seeks to develop a process and tool for assessing the stability of an implant during shoulder replacement surgery. The proposed system will help shoulder surgeons decide whether an implant is sufficiently secure prior to completing the surgery. Researchers will measure how much torque it takes to loosen an Exactech shoulder implant from artificial […]

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Technical and Economic Assessment of Implementing UV Treatment in Potable Reuse Process Trains – Year two

Driven by climate change induced water scarcity, further enhanced by rapid urbanization and population growth, potable water reuse initiatives are gaining interest. Potable reuse involves the indirect or direct use of highly treated municipal wastewater as a municipal drinking water source. Historically, the most commonly installed potable reuse train consisted of microfiltration, reverse osmosis (RO), […]

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Diversity Measures and Equal Opportunity Practices in the North American Corporate Labour Force and Global Diversity Management Practices

Visier Solutions Inc hopes to create a new standard for the measurement of employee diversity in organizations based on scientific research and measured baselines. With the help of the interns, this study will set a standard for the practical measurement of diversity in organizations as well as best practices in the analysis of metric results. […]

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Fabrication of High-resolution Perfluoro-polymer Imaging Fiber Bundle via Electrospinning and Stack-draw Technique

This project will be with Vena Medical that focused on creating a forward viewing imaging microcatheter to provide a real-time navigational perspective for interventional physicians. The Vena Microcatheter will make interventional procedures faster, easier, and safer for both patients and physicians. This project will investigate the novel polymer optical fiber with high flexibility and high-quality […]

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Heavy Rare Earth Elements: New Insight into Mineralogical Parameters That Impact Mine Processing – Year two

Current Heavy Rare Earth Element (HREE) processing techniques are expensive, environmentally-challenging, and slow. Kinetic models predict that the rate of acid permeation of a mineral is the rate controlling step. Therefore, permeation rate controls the acid quantity and residency time of the mineral in the acid bath; impacting costs. Kinetic models are based on structural […]

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Modeling the Removal of Mine-impacted Water Species Using Freezing Technologies Focused on Frazil Ice Formation

The development of environment-friendly freezing technologies to contaminated water is a potential solution for water treatment in regions with cold weather conditions and vulnerable to anthropogenic impact. The results of laboratory tests fulfilled by Core Geoscience Services Inc. on the removal of mine-impacted water species through ice formation along with other publicly available data will […]

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