Consumption of patchy prey by commercially-valuable wildlife species to identify potential tourism hotspots; coupled humans-salmon-bear systems of coastal British Columbia

The Raincoast Conservation Foundation pursues conservation initiatives in coastal British Columbia through science, outreach, and sustainable economies, such as ecotourism informed by local knowledge and ecology. The success of wildlife viewing ecotourism greatly depends on knowing areas and time periods predictably ·used by target species. The goal of the proposed research is to inform initiatives […]

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Political Scandal and the evolution of political culture

Precisely what a nation finds scandalous says a great deal about the shared values of the population, and should indicate something about the nature of political culture within that community. The Profumo Affair in Britain, and the sex scandals of a variety of American politicians – from Jefferson’s slave mistress through Anthony Weiner’s most recent […]

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Diversity and structure of coastal eelgrass communities and their importance for maintaining juvenile Pacific salmon

On the coast of British Columbia, both eelgrass meadows and Pacific salmon species are declining, yet eelgrass community dynamics and reliance of juvenile salmon on these communities are poorly understood. We will assemble the first large-scale dataset from monitoring efforts of coastal BC organizations in order to assess eelgrass community diversity and structure across environmental […]

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Penetration of diluted bitumen on shorelines in the event of a marine spill

The goal of this research is to create a knowledge tool that can assist responders to act quickly and effectively in the event of a marine oil spill. In order to accomplish this goal, we will (1) develop a simple field test to gauge shoreline permeability in relation to stranded diluted bitumen on natural shorelines; […]

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Calibrating static errors in Adaptive Optics systems for Extremely Large Telescopes

The proposed research project involves calibrating an Adaptive Optics system – a technology that essentially corrects telescopes for the changing atmosphere so that the ‘twinkling’ is taken out of stars. This technology has become increasingly complex, an example being the proposed instrument called NFIRAOS that will be built by Canada for the future Thirty Meter Telescope […]

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Brain Decoding Models for neurodegenerative disease aided diagnosis and classification

Globally, brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Epilepsy have a huge toll on patients, loved ones, and healthcare systems. The research project aims to establish a model to better diagnose neurodegenerative diseases. There is a wealth of clinical test data, symptoms, and observations associated with the long list of neurodegenerative diseases. In order to better […]

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wearable electric field sensor

The project focuses on the design and development of a wearable electric field sensor. Mathematical simulation, mechanical design, optical system built-up and signal processing will be involved. The project will be conducted in the Laboratory of Ultra High Precision Mechatronics at Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing. The student will need to analyze and simulate the relation […]

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Use of remote sensing data to define spatial-temporal salmon habitat status

The Salish Sea is a temporally and spatially dynamic coastal ocean under strong influence from terrestrial and oceanic inputs, and of major economic importance, due in part to fisheries. The Salish Sea is highly productive, especially from early spring to summer when resident and migratory fish populations are either spawning or entering. The interannual productivity […]

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Optimizing track cycling performance through neuromechanical measurement and modelling

Current performance optimization models of track cycling are inadequate to estimate conditions such as the start of the race and during positional changes of the athletes. Monitoring muscle excitation is a valuable way to quantify metabolic changes since it does not discriminate the energy source. Muscle excitation is therefore a good parameter to explore the […]

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Identity Fraud Detection through Anomalous Login Patterns Mining

Identity fraud is spreading fast and causing more and more damages both financially and sociologically. Identity fraud occurs when a criminal impersonates another individual by taking on that person’s identity or by creating a fake identity for whatever reason. The project will investigate and develop a new model for identity fraud detection based on login […]

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Doubly-resonant sum frequency generation studies of rhodamine 6G films

The potential for solar cells as renewable energy sources is increasingly recognized as better devices come to the market. It has been recognized that the use of organic dyes as sensitizers can greatly enhance their performance. As a result, there has been an increased effort to develop new dye-sensitized materials for more efficient light harvesting. […]

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