Personal Analytics to Enhance Smarter Commerce

Personal analytics refers to a recent trend where individuals wish to collect, analyze and visualize personal information so that they can gain knowledge about one’s behaviours, habits and thoughts in the context of their personal goals. The trend of self-tracking is rapidly increasing as people are becoming smarter about choices available to them, and seek […]

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Building Social Community Integration

This work facilitates point-of-impact field research and iterative prototyping toward the continued development of a production-quality social media environment – as part of a larger, ongoing program of research and development – with Iter, an electronic resource facilitating the work of a community focused on medieval and renaissance culture and its artefacts via the ‘knowledge […]

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Esdilagh Development Corporation Business Action Plan Research and Development

Esdilagh Development Corporation (EDC) business Interns to perform business development research to inform the composition of business plans to ensure we have professional business guidance tools to assist EDC in engaging in business sectors as identified in the Esdilagh Economic Development Plan and Investment Profile completed in 2011. Project goals are to produce professional quality […]

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Development of advanced tools to measure and train neuromechanic aspects of movement technique in rhythmic sports: use of technology to optimize performance

This research proposal involves a series of investigations that use advanced techniques to evaluate human movement and muscle activity in elite sports in an attempt to create feedback tools useful to athletes and coaches to improve performance. It has been difficult to collect human movement data on elite cyclists and rowers in training and competition. […]

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Lie Group Statistical Analysis of Human Movement

Statistical analysis of 3-dimensional motions of objects or humans is instrumental to establish how these motions differ, depending on various influences or parameters. When such motions involve no stretching or tearing, they may be described by the elements of the Special Euclidean Group. Statistical analysis of physical processes of this kind is complicated by the […]

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Cooperative Primary Healthcare Data Sharing and Analytics Network Infrastructure

An increasing number of primary health care clinics have made the transition from paper-based record keeping to computer-based patient information systems, so-called electronic medical record (EMR) systems. One advantage of using EMRs is that data becomes more readily accessible for computer-based analytics in order to inform medical research and investigate compliance to clinical guidelines on […]

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Adaptive Visualization for Analysis of Customer Behaviour

Companies with a strong online presence are seeking to increase users’ engagement by adding recommendation and prediction algorithms to their websites. These algorithms can for example predict which users’ actions are more likely to happen and which users’ actions are likely more profitable. Companies use such algorithms to tailor the content of their websites based […]

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Usability analysis and guideline development for user interface design in a public health information system

The design of usable public health information systems is critical in areas such as healthcare. In this project an analysis of the usability of a pan-Canadian public health information system will be conducted. The approach will involve application of usability engineering methods to identify issues and areas where the system’s user interface could be modified […]

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Nurturing Landscapes: Bringing together ecology, education and design in the creation of stormwater management systems on school grounds

This research looks to explore the collaboration of ecology, education and design in the creation of built and natural systems to sustainably manage and educate about storm/rain water on school grounds. The research will be conducted through the analysis of 3 key case studies of schoolyard storm/rain water management projects that represent a successful, progressive […]

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Market and Technology Roadmap Validation Framework for Software Services

Founding a technology startup company is never an easy endeavor. There are major challenges on both the technology side and the business/commercialization side. For Tutela Technologies Ltd. it appears that the commercial validation of the technologies invented is proving to be the largest challenge. The initial internship and research will focus directly on Tutela Technologies […]

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Rainy Day Solutions: Enhancing Rain Gardens

With over 80% of the Canadian population dwelling in urban centers, design for sustainable urban environments is tantamount to the health and happiness of 21st century Canadians. The City of Victoria (CoV) would like to incorporate green infrastructure into their integrated storm water management plan. Over the past four years, nine rain gardens have been […]

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The influence of premature calcification on the performance of the transcatheter heart valve

The proposed project is aimed to provide information on the mechanism of premature calcification in the Transcatheter Aortic Valves through a complete investigation of the physicochemical factors influencing the process (chemical composition, pH, temperature, fluid dynamics, and the presence of foreign inorganic and organic substances). The outcome of the proposed research project would allow formulation […]

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