Syntheses of novel 3,5-bis(benzylidene)-4-piperidone derivatives as potential anticancer agents

The principal objective of this proposal is to discover novel drugs to treat colon cancers. Currently colon cancer is a huge medical problem and there are many disadvantages to current drug therapies. These disadvantages include their ineffectiveness to completely eradicate cancers, causing toxic side effects and the development of multidrug resistance. A group of compounds […]

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Processes for Ensuring Mobile Educational Game Quality

Software developers have been quick to capitalize on the growing number of children using smartphones, publishing enough educational titles to warrant their own category on the Apple App Store. However, establishing the efficacy and usability of these mobile educational games can be difficult and expensive. Heuristics are commonly used during the evaluation of user interface […]

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Patient decision aid for musculoskeletal injuries in Mild Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a genetic bleeding disorder in which the blood flow is impaired from clotting. If you have hemophilia, you may bleed for a longer time  than others after an injury. The primary goal of our work is to enable patients with the condition to make effective decisions when injuries occur. For instance, our proposed […]

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Developing Crop Consulting App

This project is to build a mobile application that will allow partner’s clients to use it on their mobile device to access their farm data and receive ongoing recommendations from consultants. The project will benefit the partner organization by improving the communication between consultants and their client farmers. Currently, consultants print out their recommendations for […]

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Synchronization between cloud database and mobile applications

The project will provide FarmAtHand – the partner organization a scalable and secure solution for making applications on multiple mobile platform like iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. With this solution FarmAtHand will benefit by receiving brand new mobile applications on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and websites on which they can implement their farming approach. The […]

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Developing a Farm Management System: Migrating from iOS to Android platform

The project conducts a research to explore and investigate ways in developing a farm management tool that will assist farmers to have instant and secure access to information, and have the ability to update those information. Information updated on a device outside the coverage of wireless connection will be updated and synchronized when the device […]

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Software Engineering for Mobile Game Software Product Lines

This project investigates the cost effectiveness of applying product line techniques to the development of the common elements of certain types of video games. Approximately ten games will be analyzed to identify those parts that are used by most of the games. Those commonly used parts will then be re-engineered to make them more generic […]

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Antenna array feasibility study

Disruptive antenna technologies are required to provide performance and fabrication advantages in developing broadband wireless application products in emerging upper microwave and millimeterwave radio bands. The internship will investigate the feasibility of applying Polymer-based Dielectric Resonator Antenna (PRA), technology developed at the University of Saskatchewan, to commercial antenna array applications.

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Developing Crop Consulting Mobile App

The main purpose of the project is finding a user preferred way of synchronization and user interaction on Android platform. The result of the experiment will help the applicant to design user friendly mobile application. As a result, the partner organization can get an android version of with good user experience since the system […]

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By the North with the North: Community Building in Northern Saskatchewan

This research project will be conducted through internship research by students in the Master in Northern Governance and Development (MNGD). The MNGD is a project-based, interdisciplinary program meant to build capacity among northerners in northern Saskatchewan through a blended delivery model including face-to-face, videoconferencing, online and international field school instruction. The 2013-2014 internship research project […]

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Dynamic Modeling with Empirical Data for Hydropower Decision Support

Long-term decision making strategic investment planning under the condition of great uncertainty is of great importance to power utilities such as Manitoba Hydro. A review of standard and existing planning methodologies will be the basis for identifying and testing new formal methods to support the definition of robust investment programme planning. This project will address […]

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