Development and Application of Optical Fiber Intrusion Sensor

The scope of this project is to develop a fence intrusion sensor by optical fiber for security monitoring purpose. Senstar-Stellar is the world's leading supplier of outdoor perimeter intrusion detection sensors and systems. The R&D group is seeking for new idea and new technique for building a high performance distributed intrusion sensor with large area […]

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Intelligent Mobile Asset Tracking

Tracking and managing the dynamic location of mobile assets is critical for many organizations with mobile resources. Current tracking systems are costly and inefficient over wireless transmission systems where cost is based on the rate of data being sent. The intern is part of a team at UOttawa which focuses on tracking GPS-enabled mobile devices […]

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Sources and Timescales of Fluid Flow: Gold Deposit Generation during Metamorphism, Abitibi Sub-province, Canada

The Abitibi Sub-province extends from Timmins, ON to Val d’Or, QC and contains gold deposits with equivocal genesis, derived from either magmatic or metamorphic processes. The largest of the gold lode deposits precipitated at paleotemperatures and paleopressures indicative of depths 8-12 km below the surface. Metal-rich fluid flow at these depths through structurally deformed rocks […]

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Does Endovascular Coiling of Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms Result in

Preventing a brain aneurysm from bleeding is an important minimally invasive procedure. It involves specialized training to develop skills in manipulating a tiny tube from the groin artery into the brain. This is performed using highly specialized imaging/X-ray equipment. Once the tube is guided into the brain aneurysm, small coils are positioned within the aneurysm […]

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Measurements and Modeling of Wireless Relay Channels in Urban Microcellular

This applied research engineering project is a University of Ottawa-CRC collaboration to produce knowledge applicable in the design of future wireless communication systems and networks. The collaboration gives the intern access to both CRC's technical capabilities, equipment, internationally recognized expertise in radio propagation research and radio channel modeling, along with the theoretical knowledge developed at […]

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Application of Cold Spray Coatings for Repair of Aerospace Parts

There are currently no practical/economical repair methods for many aerospace parts made of aluminum/titanium. The Cold Spray technology produces metal coatings by accelerating metal powders into the substrate to be coated using high velocity jet at supersonic speeds. Upon impact the particles plastically deform and produce a dense coating. Metals such as aluminum/titanium can be […]

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Autonomic Computing Models and Adaptation of the Control Loop.

Autonomic Computing Systems are systems which are capable of self‐configuring, self‐healing, self‐optimizing and self‐protecting themselves, by constantly monitoring the current state of the system, determining if the state of the system must change and how the state must change, and finally taking appropriate action in order to bring the system to the desired state. The […]

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Bounding an Obfuscated Program to a Specific Hardware Platform

The topic area of this work is node-binding. Node binding is the problem of binding software to a specific instance of a hardware platform. Applications of node binding include protection of copywrited software and digital media. The specific focus of this work will be the creation of a software mechanism which can be used to […]

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Palatable Puree: Improving weight status and quality of life among older persons needing dysphagic food products

People with swallowing disorders must eat pureed or minced texture foods to eat safely. However, the process of pureeing or mincing greatly reduces the food’s appeal, often degrades its nutritional quality and can lead to undernutrition. New reformed modified-texture food products have been developed specifically for people with swallowing disorders. These foods are not only […]

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