Production of Healthy DAG-Enriched Oil from Canola Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Media in Par-Baked Frozen Dough Products

Structured lipids, specifically diacylglyceride (DAG) oils, have potential to replace trans fats and oils high in saturated fats such as palm and thus provide healthier oils with improved functionalities and sustainability. However, they are produced using costly and environmentally unfriendly “enzyme in solvent” systems, and have shortcomings when utilized in certain food applications. DAG oils […]

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Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) telomeric analysis in pre-treatment and post-treatment patients with prostatic adenocarcinoma; a look at prognostic variability and responsive elements

The intern will analyze blood samples of patients with high-risk prostate cancer. The cancer cells will be isolated from the blood sample and the genetic material will be stained and then imaged by a high-intensity-high-focus 3D microscope. Next, the telomeres (ends of genes) will be studied and compared. The point is to see the progression […]

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Sensory Characteristics and Metabolomics for Flavour Selection in Pork

The hog industry in Manitoba is a very efficient means of converting grains and pulses into high quality protein. Fresh pork is a healthy and nutritious source of protein, yet demand remains static. One of the main reasons cited by consumers for not choosing pork is the absence of good taste in modern pork. The objective […]

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Nutrition for Two: development of interactive nutrition research tools and a pretrial for food and nutrition intake trend among the First Nation’s pregnant women

Prenatal alcohol exposure results in a vast spectrum of teratogenic effects and lifelong implications for a child, called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Since FASD is not genetic-related and there is no treatment to reverse damage caused to the brain, earlier nutrition intervention to pregnant mothers may be a key to prevent or mitigate the […]

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Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Moderating Visual Content

Two Hat Security is a company that develops next generation moderation tools for social networking apps. Since visual content (e.g. images, videos) is one of the most important types of data shared by social networking apps, an important problem for the company is to identify images/videos that are offensive or inappropriate. For example, certain images/videos […]

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Flow in business: Facilitating Flow in Virtual Reality trials and exploring the outcomes for product evaluations

Flow, the psychological state of being totally absorbed into an activity, has been suggested to be an important topic for future research as it represents ‘optimal experience.’ This research seeks to understand 1-how to facilitate flow while engaging with virtual reality products and 2-the outcomes of experiencing flow in regards to attitudes towards virtual reality […]

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Predictive Models for the Manitoba Bio-Economy Atlas

The intern will develop a multi-year model of a biomass supply chain for Manitoba, which will comprise the back end for a web based Bio-Economy Atlas tool. The tool will create feasibility level assessments of the volume, consistency, variability, accessibility and logistics costs of the biofuel resource in Manitoba, including both conventional sources, such as […]

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Applying visual analytics to effect real-time decision making in manufacturing environments

Along with industry partners, including NGrain, Convergent Manufacturing and Boeing, we are proposing to develop state-of-the-art visualization and interactive techniques for exploring sensor and manufacturing component data, in-situ. Through a combination of user research and user-centered design techniques, this project proposes the development of a technical demonstrator of a mobile manufacturing job aid as the […]

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Validating dynamic system analysis mooring tools using a 25-kW surface mounted hydrokinetic turbine tested at the Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Testing Centre

Dynamic Systems Analysis develops and markets dynamic modeling tools like ProteusDS to predict the behavior of mechanical systems in service in the ocean and marine environments. ProteusDS relies on empirical loading coefficients to predict system loads to calculate the dynamic response of mechanical systems. DSA sees a growth opportunity to apply ProteusDS to predict dynamic […]

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