Development of improved power quality detection methods suitable for modern applications

Discontinuities of service, variations in voltage magnitude, and distortions in AC voltage waveforms constitute the different aspects poor power quality. A poor quality of power supply can cause malfunction of sensitive equipment and interrupt industrial processes, resulting in significant economic losses. Utilities and consumers are taking actions to maintain the power quality set by the […]

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Assessing the Impact of Customer Service Strategies on Loyalty

This project evaluates the impact of customer service on customer retention and churn. In the first phase, we build a statistical model to examine drivers of customer loyalty. In the second phase, we work with customer service to evaluate the effectiveness of new customer service strategies. This project will enable the company to better predict […]

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Characterization of Active Ingredient in Buckwheat – Part 2

Buckwheat contains an active ingredient that lowers blood glucose in diabetic rats. The active ingredient is not a known compound such as chiro-inositol or rutin. The goal of this project is to characterize the bioactive compounds in buckwheat fractions obtained by countercurrent chromatography (CCC) and having biological activity. This is important for setting the foundation […]

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Wavefield Imaging for Stored Grain Monitoring and Biomedical Applications

Electromagnetic and/or ultrasound imaging technology uses a hardware system to measure a target’s response to interrogating energy. Using sophisticated computer algorithms, these measurements can be converted into an image of the interior properties of the imaging target. Herein, targets of interest lie in the areas of biomedical imaging and stored agricultural crop monitoring. Major advances […]

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Cannabis used for medical purposes by children in Canada

Cannabis products are being used for a variety of conditions. In Canada, there are no cannabis products approved for use in children. Without evidence from clinical trials doctors are hesitant to recommend cannabis products for children. In order for doctors to feel confident in advising parents on medical cannabis they need better information on if […]

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The Epidemiology of Fabry Disease and Metabolic Acidosis in Manitoba

The proposed project is for the postdoctoral fellow to access healthcare data for individual adults in the province of Manitoba in order to: 1) determine the rates of metabolic acidosis in Manitoba along with associated outcomes and risk factor profiles and 2) identify patients in Manitoba who are at high risk of Fabry disease but […]

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Cognitive and Computationally Intelligent Algorithms for the Detection of Cyber Threats

The rapid and widespread advancement of cyber-threats within the past few years has had a profound impact on virtually everyone, from ordinary people to governments to local organizations. This has caused cyber-security to be considered a global challenge, which is now requiring innovative solutions, such as incorporating human cognition based methods into the software algorithms […]

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Modeling and simulation methods for assessing casino player behaviour

The goal of this research is to use data from casino player tracking systems to build a model for how players move around on a casino slot floor. We will use this model to perform simulations of this same movement. Segmentation of players into groups of similar value and/or characteristics will help to reduce the […]

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The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies Task Force on Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and Graduate Education

The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) has created aTask Force on Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and Graduate Education (Reconciliation Task Force). This Reconciliation Task Force will examine the implications for graduate education in relation to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s (TRC) Calls to Action, to reflect on the role of […]

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Development and validation of a pipeline for a clinical Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) test for detection of a rare genetic sterol disorder influencing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) panels are gaining popularity thanks to the high-throughput capability of sequencing technology and low cost per sample. In this study, we aim to validate the performance of a NGS panel for detection of a rare genetic sterol disorder, and to assess the utility of a prediction model to identify a combination of […]

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Improvement of an all-on-chip assay for studying cell migration

Cell migration assays (CMA) are fundamental cellular functional tests that are routinely performed in many areas of cell research such as tissue development, wound healing, cancer metastasis and immune response. We have developed a prototype microfluidic all-on-chip CMA that allows rapid immune cell migration assay tested directly from one drop of whole blood. This chip […]

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