High Voltage DC Transmission Using Voltage-Source Converters

Voltage-source converters (VSC) that use self-commutated valves have been used for such applications as electric motor drives. Recently with the development of switches with high voltage and current ratings, these converters have been considered for high-power transmission as well. This internship with Manitoba Hydro, Manitoba’s major energy utility, aims at developing accurate computer simulation models […]

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Water Stability Control for Optimization of Filtration at Portage la Prairie and Sanford Water Treatment Plants

There are about 180 public water treatment plants in Manitoba relying on surface water as their source of supply. Optimization of water treatment processes offers many operational savings for these plants. Portage la Prairie and Sanford water treatment plants are examples of typical Manitoba water treatment plants. Both plants utilize lime/soda softening processes to remove […]

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An Improved Wide-Band Dynamic System Equivalent Technique for Real-Time Digital Simulators

Real-time simulators are increasingly important in power system studies and equipment tests by manufacturers, universities, research institutes and power system utilities. Yet their capability for accurately simulating some aspects of very large systems is limited by the burden of additional hardware requirements. Thus, the aim of this project is to develop an improved wide-band system […]

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Understanding the Engineering Design Process

This research project is a study of the engineering design process. The goal is to study the design process at Manitoba Hydro to better understand: how design works, how information flows, and how the process is communicated. The intern’s research team will study the design process from within the organizational environment. This will involve a […]

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Numerical Analysis of In-floor-heated Slab Foundations

This research project will develop a numerical model of in-floor-heated slab foundations in Manitoba. With in-floor-heated slab foundations, it is important to know how to insulate the foundation to minimize heat losses to the ground while preventing frost heave. The proposed model will be used to analyze the effects of the amount and placement of […]

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Real-time Transient Classification System

Modern society is highly dependant on electricity; large scale blackouts can cost billions of dollars. High-voltage power transmission systems that transmit electricity from the generating stations to load centres could be subjected to a variety of disturbances such as faults, lightening strikes etc. These transmission systems must be protected against faults using suitable protective equipment […]

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Clarifying the Concept and Measurement of School Climate

The condition of school facilities is an important, manageable determinant of teaching and learning outcomes. Recent research suggests that the effects of facility conditions on learning outcomes are mediated through “school climate”. However, for both scientific research and practical purposes, the understanding of what “school climate” means and how it is measured is unhelpfully vague. […]

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Design Cycle for power electronic systems: from simulation to hardware implementation

Industrial Systems have become increasingly complex and hence their design requires extensive new tools and techniques. Computers and computer simulations play an important role in helping the design engineers in finding suitable solutions to the design of modern industrial systems. This Mitacs-Accelerate internship aims to improve the methods and techniques used in the computer aided […]

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Algorithm/model to assist decision making for hip and knee replacement surgery

Arthritis affecting the hip and knee is a common problem causing pain and disability for many Manitobans. Joint replacement surgery is a common treatment for this condition. Although many patients improve after the surgery, there are some who do not. It is in the patient’s, and health system’s best interest to try to learn which […]

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Breast Microwave Tomography Reconstruction using Ultra Wide Band Radar Images

The research to be conducted involves the development of new technology that can detect breast cancer tumours using microwave technology. The necessary mathematical research to perform microwave imaging of the breast will be pursued together with the hardware design needed for such a system. The expertise and academic goals of the two interns offer a […]

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Habitat Banking Feasibility Study

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) policy under the federal Fisheries Act requires industry to compensate for harmful alteration, disruption or destruction (HADD) of fish habitat. Manitoba Hydro has sometimes experienced difficulty in finding effective and worthwhile projects for compensation. Consequently, compensation projects completed in accordance with the preferences of DFO can sometimes be less effective […]

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