Development of an Autonomous Pipeline Control System

Autonomous operation of oil and gas pipelines is being introduced to the marketplace by utilizing advanced process control and Artificial Intelligence. This Project will explore the use of advanced optimization algorithms in combination with autonomous operation to further increase efficiency of pipelines by continually driving pumps, compressors and valves to achieve the lowest cost operation. […]

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Coupling the liquid pool and wellbore hydraulic module of the “Prediction and Optimization Software Package” – Part 2

In the last decade optimization is expanded in many applications from food production to sophisticated applications such as engine fuel efficiency. In the proposed package, it is tried to apply optimization techniques along with physics based analytical and semi-analytical methodologies to create a compelling framework which can help thermal-process based oil industry to reduce their […]

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Biometric-enabled Sensing Technologies for Smart Cities

“Biometric-enabled Sensing Technologies for Smart Cities” is a 4-year project dedicated to the research and development of smart sensing and monitoring devices and systems for applications in smart cities. The project is a collaboration between the Biometric Technologies Laboratory from the University of Calgary and Oasis Technologies Inc.. Stage one of the project consists of […]

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Using bioelectrochemical approaches to study microbes associated with oil and gas operations – Year two

Microbial activities in oil and gas operations can be beneficial or detrimental which economically impact the energy industry. Microorganisms can be responsible for souring and microbiologically influenced corrosion which damage oil and gas infrastructure, but they can also play a beneficial role in enhancing energy production, recovering chemicals from waste streams, bioremediation, and biofuel production. […]

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The effect of peer-to-peer video modeling (VM) on socialization and physical literacy in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

According to literature, individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can imitate movements since they have learned many social, vocational, speech, and academic skills. However, motor skill deficiency has been mentioned as one of the contributing factors to social isolation, reducing opportunities for people with ASD to be connected to society and peers. Improving motor skills […]

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A Prototype for a Privacy-Aware Health Sharing App

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are validated questionnaires with which respondents self-report their health status. This may include symptom severity, functional status, and quality-of-life data. PROMS are an increasingly important part of the communication between a patient and their healthcare team. Beyond the individual encounter, PROMs data is also critical to healthcare systems providing more personalized […]

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Molecular characterization, autogenous vaccine manufacturing and vaccine potency studies of two pathogenic Avian Reovirus (ARV) field isolates from the Province of Alberta – Part 2

Avian Reovirus (ARV) is an economically important virus that is affecting poultry flocks in Alberta. Birds infected with pathogenic ARV may develop a disease named viral arthritis/tenosynovitis which is characterised by lameness, swollen joints, rupture of tendons and increase mortality. The disease is controlled by parent stock vaccination with live and/or inactivated antigen to provide […]

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Measuring the contributions of non-crop areas to precision canola yield

Canola growers recognize that the beneficial arthropods that live in natural habitats and non-crop areas may play an important role in augmenting and stabilizing crop yields. These bees, flies, beetles, spiders and other arthropods may spill over into the crop, and through pollination or pest control, help to improve yields, decrease inputs, and increase profitability. […]

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Facilitating Service Network Navigation: Developing a Model for Individuals with Autism and/or Intellectual Disabilities and their Families – Year two

Adults with Autism (ASD) and/or intellectual disabilities (ID) who seek medical and dental treatments often require specialized interventions that are not always accessible in the community. The Centre for Innovation in Autism and Intellectual Disabilities See Things my Way clinic (STMW) developed a specialized Medical/Dental Clinic to address this important gap. Providing care through a […]

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Performance Analysis of a Network of Dual-Lane Roundabouts – Part 2

Modern roundabouts have become a subject of great interest and attention over the last few years considering their potential to reduce vehicular delay & emissions and increase safety. The objectives of this study to examine the short- and long-term benefits performance of roundabouts from a multi-modal perspective. Using real observed data from vehicular traffic, pedestrians, […]

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Microbial detection of hydrocarbon seeps offshore Nova Scotia

Offshore petroleum exploration requires a multitude of techniques to identify a petroleum system in an offshore area. Novel microbiology technologies which focus on the distribution of marine microbes (microbial biogeography) have been proposed as complementary tools to conventional techniques for oil and gas exploration. Hydrocarbon seepage from subsurface petroleum reservoirs is hypothesized to explain the […]

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