Single Frequency RTK Technology for Handheld GPS

  Traditional GPS RTK system requires at least two receivers one of which serves as base station with known coordinates. Assuming separation between base and rover receivers is not too long, for example 10 km, spatial correlations for GPS observation errors are pretty significant. Base station can be used to correct rover observations. As a […]

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Examining Vocational Opportunities and Supports for Adults with ASD

The project addresses the under-studied area of vocational service for adults with ASD. The study will implement a mixed method research design consisting of: (1) an environmental scan examining vocational services in Alberta, (2) interviews and/or focus groups with adults with ASD and their caregivers examining their experiences and needs related to vocational supports, and […]

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Mining Association Rules from Tucker SAGD Database

  Tucker project is Husky Energy’s first major project in the Alberta’s oil sands and it uses the Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) oil recovery technology. Large amount of geological, operational, drilling and testing data has been collected for over 5 years in Tucker project, which contains implicit knowledge to improve the oil production. The […]

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Sol-gel encapsulation of safflower derived oilbodies and immobilization of fractionated seed proteins for evaluation of stability under simulated gastrointestinal conditions.

  SemBioSys Genetics, Inc is active in the production of recombinant, pharmacologically active proteins using the seeds of the safflower plant. The purified product is associated with oilbodies derived from the seed. In this project, the intern will perform research on a novel encapsulation technology for functional food. The technology is aiming at encapsulating a […]

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Alternative Methodologies for Travel Time Studies

    Travel time information is used by many jurisdictions to assess the future directions and strategic improvement requirements of specific segments of provincial highways and justify, prioritize, and program new operational and capital work projects and monitor the results after completion. The Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) conducts Travel Time Studies for a series […]

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Cretaceous Shallow Unconventional Shale Gas (SUSG), southwestern Manitoba

  Shale gas plays are becoming progressively more important in the energy market as gas production from these reservoirs is increasing. With the advances in exploitation technology gas production from shale has become more viable and economic. Based on previous studies southwestern Manitoba can be a good candidate for extracting gas from shale formations at […]

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Model-Based Detection of Emergent Behavior in Distributed Systems using an ontology-based approach

  Lack of central control makes the design of distributed software systems a challenging task because of possible unwanted behavior at runtime, commonly known as emergent behavior. In fact many faults are introduced into the system at this stage of the software development life cycle. Therefore discovering and removing design validation of distributed software systems […]

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Implementation of a music-based walking program for clients of Parkinson Alberta Society

The proposed project seeks to build upon a recent pilot project that developed and evaluated a novel auditory reminder system that clients of Parkinson Alberta Society can employ to exercise large step walking outside of clinical settings. The pilot study highlighted a number of aspects requiring further investigation, both from clinical and research perspectives. Consequently, […]

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