Micro Geothermal Power Generation in Depleted Wells

Engineers use the earth’s heat to create heat pumps, to store energy, and to generate power. As the world moves away from carbon fuels, geothermal resources are increasingly attractive, promising sustainable, reliable sources of energy. Fortunately, the oil industry has already provided infrastructure to access this resource—depleted horizontal oil and gas wells drilled to a […]

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Portfolio Management and Energy Options

The partner company, ENMAX Energy Corporation, is a leading electricity and natural gas supplier in Alberta. Modern techniques from stochastic processes and numerical analysis are widely used in energy risk management and trading. The intern research project involved the development of an optimal portfolio of products in the energy industry as well as the study […]

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Valuing Options in the Alberta Electricity Market

Like many companies in the energy business, Encana Power Corp. is interested in pricing options and future contracts related to the price of power and gas. The heat rate plays a role in related decisions and it is of importance to determine better estimates of swing and related options. The internship research will develop and […]

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Optimal Investment Strategies

A major challenge for portfolio managers is that it is hard for them to predict the future. In practice, they would settle for being able to identify which stocks are likely to perform well and which are likely to perform badly in the next month. This project will include the investigation of algorithms for using […]

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Seismic Forward Numerical Modeling and Illumination Study

This project will use computer modelling to aid in building a geological model of the earth’s subsurface. The model is assumed to be accurate when seismic data from the model reasonably matches seismic data recorded on the surface of the earth. The movement of wave energy within the model will then be used to aid […]

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FOCI and its Implementation in Industry

Geo-X Processing, Divestco Inc., a Canadian seismic processing contractor, is seeking to enter a new segment of the market, the so-called “depth imaging” market, by Q3 2007. The company is currently developing a comprehensive suite of depth imaging algorithms aimed at competing in the above market, but currently lacks a certain sophisticated tool. Such a […]

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Detection of Location Finding Using Sensor Networks

Complex Systems focuses on developing the next generation of sensor networks. Detection and location of microwave emitter/reflector using sensor networks have attracted much attention in the sensor and communication communities. Thus, the intern’s research project addresses some important issues in system design for target detection and localization. Detection and localization schemes will be developed and […]

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Modelling Energy Prices

Direct Energy is a leading retailer of energy and energy solutions for both residential and business customers in North America. In partnership with the company, the intern will work on energy data mining and analyses using gas and power data. The intern’s analyses will include analysis of natural gas storage and its impact (if any) […]

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Insolvency Prediction of Property and Casualty Insurers

The intern will study possible enhancements to insolvency prediction models of the partner company. Her study will extend the previous models by combining macroeconomic market information and firm-specific information to identify firms facing possible financial trouble. The results of the study will provide helpful information for the company’s surveillance efforts to prevent insolvency or reduce […]

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Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing for Cattle Carcass Data and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

Feedlot Health Management Services is a comprehensive beef industry consultancy, providing veterinary services, herd health programs and computerized health-recording systems and other informational tools to producers. Fat yield, lean yield, meat tenderness, carcass marbling and carcass grading are some characteristics of cattle that are measures of beef quality. Thus, the goal of this project is […]

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Insurance Pricing with Proprietary Information

Information regarding the likelihood and severity of automobile accidents for individual insurance consumers enables insurance companies to price insurance policies. The more accurate and predictive the data, the more accurate and fair insurance prices are. Modern advances, such as telematics technology, allow insurers to improve the quality of their information. This improved information has an […]

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