Development of helmet liner material to protect against concussion

Sports related concussion is becoming a major short- and long-term public health concern. The proposed project is designed to test the capabilities of different helmet liner materials in mitigating impact forces resulting from blows to the head, and determine the utility of such materials in reducing the incidence and effects of such concussive blows in […]

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Using the cannabis microbiome for sustainable production

Microbes in horticulture are typically something to avoid or eliminate, as pathogens are a significant problem in yield a crop quality. But microbes can also be beneficial, by helping plants access nutrients and preventing pathogen outbreaks.  Rather than trying to eliminate all microbes, it may be better to manage naturally occurring, diverse microbial assemblages in […]

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Model development for membership analytics

This project will lay a foundation for Interior Savings Credit Union to better serve their membership by providing them with the means to discover significant membership groups within their large and complex database. This will be done through a combination of developing novel statistical techniques to discover the groups and writing the computer code needed […]

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Novel modeling and simulation algorithms of interconnected AC and multiterminal DC grids for power flow and transient stability analyses

This research is aimed at the development of new modeling and simulation algorithms of interconnected AC and DC supergrids for power flow and transient stability analyses. The efforts will be focused on the following technical areas: Advanced modeling methods of AC/DC power converters and controls for the integration of renewable energy resources in power systems. […]

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Design, Manufacture and Testing of a Thermoplastic Composite Guardrail: Modeling Phase

Today’s modern industries aim at supplying premium quality products that can offer added performance value, lower weight, less environmental impact, decreased manufacturing and maintenance costs, increased durability and safety, and eventually higher customer satisfaction and market competitiveness. To achieve these milestones, new engineered materials such as fiber-reinforced polymers are rapidly replacing traditional single materials such […]

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A systems level optimization of the solar battery in a solar energy system

SunVault Energy Incorporated, a Kelowna, British Columbia based energy technology company, aims to become a significant player within the emerging Canadian solar industry. They have devised a technology, the solar battery, which integrates the energy storage and energy generation capabilities of a stand-alone solar energy system. They view this as potentially a means of lowering […]

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Temperature effects on geomaterials performance

The effects of temperature on the mechanical properties of geomaterials (e.g. soils, rocks) are important for the safety and life cycle of any infrastructures. The research activities in the field suggest that there is a lack of understanding due to limited experimental data. The seasonal climate change causes the variations in temperatures which may pose […]

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Social Lab on Poverty in South India

Globally, poverty is a continuing problem that is not easily resolved. 650 million people in India live below the poverty line. In the south of India in the rural region around the city of Mysore, half of women are illiterate, and lack equal opportunity of employment. Although research has been done on technological and financial […]

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Framework for dialogue and learning with parents and professionals in the Central Okanagan; an examination of learning (related to stigmatization) across relations of power.

This research will create opportunities for reflection and dialogue with a group of professionals in the Central Okanagan regarding parents’ perceptions and experiences of stigmatization. Dialogue will focus on enhancing professionals’ understanding of underlying structural and social factors contributing to stigmatization and the implications of this understanding for their practice. The research draws from Participatory Action Research and Critical […]

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Mapping for Change: A Case Study of Enhancing Informational Exchange and Collaboration Through Geoweb Technology

‘Mapping for Change’ is a case study of best practices in the use of Geoweb as a mechanism for enhancing informational exchange and collaboration between homelessness stakeholders including non-profits/charities serving the homeless. Using geoweb technology developed in the Spatial Information for Community Engagement (SPiCE) Lab at UBC Okanagan, the project involves implementing and monitoring/evaluating the use of a webbased mapping […]

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