AI for delivering product recommendation in retail consumer categories

E-commerce has evolved rapidly in recent decades resulted from globalization and international trade. The demand of online shopping is increasing every day, which has opened business opportunities to attract more costumers locally and globally. However, achieving satisfactory user experience in online shopping remains challenging compared to in-person walk-in shopping. Currently, customers have to input static […]

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Social Influence and performance in a simulated clinical scenario and evaluation of the validity of simulation for team training

The complexity of modern healthcare requires teams of professionals to work together to identify gaps in care. Failures of the healthcare team mean that patient safety and healthcare outcomes are compromised. This series of studies will explore how cognitive load and stress influence obedience to authority, team performance and ultimately patient safety. The outcomes will […]

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Management and conservation of polar bears in Davis Strait: An integrated population modeling approach to estimating population size, growth rate and Total Allowable Harvest of a priority species in Nunavut, Canada – Year two

Estimates of population size and structure of the Davis Strait polar bear population are uncertain due, in large part, to the prohibitive costs of conducting regular aerial surveys. In recent years, Inuit have indicated that increased bear abundance has resulted in public safety concerns. In addition, Inuit believe that polar bears have negatively impacted other […]

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Remote health monitoring and rehabilitation of patients with neurological conditions to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread in Canadian hospitals

Social distancing is recommended globally to slow down the COVID-19 virus spread in order to prevent the healthcare system overload. Particularly, hospital visits increase the risk of infection for non-infected patients and healthcare workers. Therefore, virtual healthcare can help the healthcare system in many ways. This project aims to develop a user-friendly, low cost, and […]

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Intelligent Card Detection for Automatic Documentation & e-Commerce

The goal of this project is to develop a Card Detection for Automatic Documentation solution that will be able to detect all features of a collectible card from a scanned image. Given a large number of design variations in cards, simple OCR cannot provide all available information. We aim to deliver an AI-driven solution deploying […]

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Developing a lipid nanoparticle-based gene therapy approach for the treatment and prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection

The current global health emergency surrounding the coronavirus outbreak highlights the need for new treatments to combat virus infections and ways to prevent similar outbreaks in the future. Our research team has devised novel strategies to develop an effective vaccine and anti-viral drugs to treat and prevent infections by such viruses. This grant application is […]

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Research and Development of Urinary Metabolome-based Personalized Health Assessment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Autism and Environmental Exposure – Year One

Despite the growing interests and publications in metabolomics, there is a significant gap between what have been found through scientific studies and what have actually been applied in clinical practice and preventative healthcare. This proposed project aims to fill this gap by addressing two major causes; 1) lack of utilization in existing metabolomics data and […]

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Development of Welding Alloy Formula for Wear-Corrosion Resistant Overlay

There is a strong market demand for welding filler metals to make surfaces that can resist both abrasive wear and chemical loss. The objective of this internship is to quickly design and formulate high-chromium submerged arc welding powder for overlay. The experimental core for this project involves selecting alloys and designing microstructure at the University […]

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AI-enhanced lung ultrasound to detect lung involvement in COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus causing the current pandemic leads to severe illness and death when it involves the lungs. This occurs in a way that conventional X-Rays often cannot show. Experience in other countries and with a similar condition known as ARDS suggests that lung ultrasound can accurately detect COVID-19 lung involvement. Lung ultrasound is harmless […]

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COVID19 and Disclosure of Risk in Energy Exposed Sectors

COVID19 has accelerated shifts in the global energy market such that energy companies and banks may be impacted in the medium to long term. At the same time, the decarbonization of the world’s highest carbon sectors present opportunities for alternative energy carriers. For investors and policy makers it is important to understand the scope and […]

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Supercritical water gasification of bio-oils for synthetic jet fuel

Greenfield Global is currently developing a conversion process to produce jet fuel from renewable feedstocks. Collection and densification of different biomass waste materials and municipal waste at satellite facilities to produce bio-oils, which are then processed at a central facility, is expected. The first processing step at the central facility is supercritical water gasification and […]

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