Long-term response of boreal forest bird community to changes in habitat structure and configuration due to forestry and other land uses

Long-term effects of forest harvest and other land uses on boreal forest birds are unknown, because most studies of forestry practices on boreal birds occur over short periods, while effects of habitat fragmentation may be realized over longer periods and affected by climate change. I will analyze >20 years of forestry treatment and bird abundance […]

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Genetic evaluation of sow efficiency traits using single step genomic evaluation methods

Most economically important traits associated with lactation and reproduction in pigs are either less heritable, sex-limited, expressed later in life, or difficult to measure on a routine basis. Genomic predictions using single step best linear unbiased prediction (SSBLUP) methodologies, which utilizes information on phenotypes, pedigree and markers from genotyped and non-genotyped animals simultaneously, is an […]

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Often, a single employment notice may receive hundreds of applications. Manual inspection of applications is extremely time-consuming, and may be approximated by a computer program. Such a program would automatically extract a number of features from each application. For example, relevant work experience, skills, and qualifications might represent appropriate features. After extracting these features, the […]

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Theoretical investigation of Asphaltene/Wax precipitation and deposition from crude oil: Study involving Nucleation kinetics and Bulk/Interfacial properties

The pipeline transport sector is facing the issue of precipitation of unwanted heavy molecular compounds namely asphaltene and wax eventually leading to deposit along the inner walls of the pipeline. This consumes a lot of energy and maintenance cost. The objective of this work is to provide a solution to inhibit the precipitation of these […]

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Optical liquid fingerprinting for dynamic process monitoring in nanofabrication

Color-based sensing enables sensors to be utilized in more places and by more people, particularly those who do not have access to or required training for sophisticated and expensive sensing technologies. This cost-effective sensing process is based on the change in an indicator’s color in response to the stimulation that is being sensed. This project […]

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Design and Application of a High Pressure Microwave Drop-In Biofuel Reactor System

The conversion of low value lipids, including tall oil, brown grease, and yellow grease, to hydrocarbons without the use of hydrogen or catalyst has been patented and scaled up by our group (Forge Hydrocarbons). This project seeks to develop an improvement to the existing process by incorporating microwave heating to the reactor configuration. The process […]

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Best Practice Models for Compliance to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the Alberta Business Environment

The way banks account for potential losses are changing, and financial institutions are proactively adapting existing methodologies and developing new methodologies to remain compliant with regulation. The key ingredient of the myriad of evaluations of bank’s activities that are required for compliance is risk assessments. The purpose of this research project is to review the […]

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Assessing soil parameters using reflectance spectroscopy

The goal of the research undertaken as part of this project is to develop a system to measure soil properties in the field based on near infrared light reflectance. Using machine learning, the complex near infrared data can be turned into valuable soil analytical data. By supporting this research, Route 7 Inc. will obtain an […]

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Scaling up regional food systems in AB

This project aims to advance local/regional food systems in Alberta, as part of a 5-year SSHRC Partnership titled Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged (FLEdGE). Local food systems generate opportunities to capture economic value (e.g., income and employment) within local communities, and can also result in indirect economic, social and environmental benefits. However, current resources within […]

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Statistical analysis and interpretation of metabolite profiling results

Data analysis and interpretation is a critical step in metabolomics. In metabolomics studies, large amounts of data must be evaluated by appropriate analytical tools in order to transform data into knowledge. Chenomx Inc. is a company that provides metabolomics research software and services. Its flagship software product Chenomx NMR Suite is an integrated set of […]

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Declassification and valorization of char materials from biofuels production

This research project is focused on char, a carbon compound which is similar to activated carbon found in water filters such as Brita. This char is produced as a by-product of a municipal waste treatment processes. The char currently produced has high levels of naphthalene, the volatile organic compound used as the principal ingredient in […]

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