Functional and topological insights into plant triacylglycerol synthesis enzymes

Laure Aymé is a PhD student focusing her research on a plant protein family involved in lipid biosynthesis and important for oil accumulation and biotechnological purposes. Laure recently published an article describing the function and localization of a protein inserted in two distinct cellular compartment membranes, a rather unique situation with few available data. During […]

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Investigation of Pore-scale Mechanisms of Applying CO2 Huff-and-Puff to Enhance Shale Gas Recovery with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Considering the unique properties of CO2 under supercritical condition, CO2 is proposed to be used in huff-and-puff treatments to enhance shale gas recovery from shale gas formations. This research project will look at the fundamental pore-scale mechanisms when CO2 huff-and-puff is used for enhancing methane recovery from shale formations. In order to obtain pore-scale mechanisms […]

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Gaining Insight from Crash Reports and Bug Reports

This project seeks to address the flood of bugreports and crashreports that software companies must address when they build consumerfacing software. Organizations can easily face 50,000 crash reports per day. Developers cannot manually sift through them all. The goal of this work is to exploit modern search engine technology and crash report representation to enable […]

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Lab-on-a-chip device for blood filtration and separation

Blood is composed primarily of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc.) and plasma (the fluid in which the cells are suspended). Health care providers commonly require the components of blood to be separated before performing tests; currently, this requires blood samples be taken to a medical laboratory for processing. Recent advances in […]

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Faculty Attitudes towards the Internationalized Classroom in Chinese Universities

An “internationalized classroom” is a space wherein many of the tensions, possibilities and change factors inherent in the internationalization process are expressed in relationships between and among host students, international students, and instructors. The proposed research is part of a Canada/China comparative study on faculty attitudes towards the internationalized classroom. During Li Mao’s research trip in […]

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High efficiency CO2 electrochemical reduction to syngas and hydro-carbon fuels at elevated temperature

The present dependence of human society on fossil fuels indicates the inevitable increase of energy de-mands and emissions of greenhouse gases, most notably carbon dioxide (CO2). These problems need to be resolved with sustainable energy solutions, including the idea of capturing CO2 to synthesize renewa-ble or sustainable hydrocarbon, and carbonaceous fuels. Our proposed research project […]

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Mechanism Studies on Soil Erosion around Defective Sewer Pipes

Sinkhole and ground surface collapse frequently occur in urban areas such as highway, roads or around buildings. Usually the failure process in rather sudden without much evidence or obvious signs. This catches people by surprise and results in accidents, injuries or even death in some cases. From current studies and case analysis, most of the […]

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Photoredox Fluorination: Selectively Synthesize 2-fluoro-2-methyl-2-deoxyarabinolactone Derivatives via a Radical Pathway

Nature’s ability to convert solar energy to chemical energy in photosynthesis has inspired the development of a host of photoredox systems in efforts to mimic this process. The capacity of fluorine atoms to engender a variety of useful properties in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and performance materials has driven significant research efforts toward the invention of novel […]

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Ecology of sitatunga in Uganda

Trophy hunting, while a controversial issue in the developed world, is an important management strategy by wildlife management agencies across the equator. Due to negative public opinions, trophy hunting outfitters are under increased scrutiny to demonstrate that hunting has no detrimental effects on animal populations. To this end, we are embarking upon research into the […]

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Using GIS Mapping to Understand the Burden of Trauma in East Africa

The World Health Organization estimates trauma causes 5 million deaths each year, 90% of those deaths occurring in low-to-middle income countries. While improved outcomes have been noted when resources are focused on improving staff training, infrastructure, supplies availability, and process organization, the burden of injury in Kenya is not fully known and significant injury and […]

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Application of spent hen adhesive for engineered wood products

In the egg industry, as the hens are at the end of their productive lives they are of little economic value to the farmers and seen as a by-product or a waste which require disposal. Disposal of spent hens is a long-existing liability to the egg industry for paying associated cost of handling, transportation and […]

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