Distributed Control Strategy Development for Demand-Side Energy Management in Commercial Buildings With Photo-Voltaic and Energy Storage

Increasing global energy demand coupled with efforts to reduce our carbon emission has pushed for improved energy efficiency in many areas. One area in need of improvement is residential and commercial buildings. Specifically, the demand-side energy management of commercial buildings can be improved significantly with improved control. With the addition of on-site renewable energy generation […]

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The effect of dynamic information display on perception of public restroom cleanliness

The cleanliness of restroom drives people’s preferences. In places such as hotels, restaurants and hospitals, a dirty bathroom will drive away potential customers as it lead them to question the cleanliness of the whole facility. Visionstate Inc. developed WANDA (Washroom Attendant Notification Digital Aid), a LCD touch screen that display the time of most recent […]

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Mathematical Models of cell invasion types emerging from phenotypic and environmental heterogene

The building blocks of multicellular organisms such as humans are cells, vessels and protein fibers. Cell migrations are instrumental in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms (such as wound healing). Aberrant cellular migrations are important in many pathological conditions, for instance in cancer. The majority of cancer related deaths (80-90%) are caused by spread […]

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Reduced-Complexity Radio Resource Management Algorithms for Heterogeneous MIMO Cellular Networks

Future broadband cellular systems will require very high throughput data transmission to satisfy ever increasing demands of mobile users for high speed multimedia services. Using innovative approaches to multiantenna transmission/reception and to cooperation of network nodes the achievable data rates can be greatly increased. Two significant obstacles to achieving very high data rates are interference […]

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Purple Martin Conservation in Central Alberta

Purple Martins, the largest species of swallow in North America, are mostly dependent on humans for nesting structures. Martin populations have been declining across the continent for the past 20 years. I am investigating ways to engage the public in martin conservation, through appropriate nest box provision and management, support for caretakers of these nest […]

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Physical and Virtual Simulation and Learning Management System

By studying and modeling of current production process, a physical training assembly system is built in a small scale with the exact same process, tooling as the full scale one. Along with leaning management system constructed, which includes a set of multi-media training materials, new employees can get familiarized with the manufacturing process in a […]

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Augmented Reality in Surgery

Augmented Reality (AR) is the combination of virtual images with real objects in order to improve perception. It is a rapidly growing field and has many applications in medicine. For this research project we would like to apply AR to the surgical site during a simulated operation in order to provide additional information and improve […]

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Methodology Research on Business Process Reengineering with a Neutral Information Model of ERPs

McCoy recognizes U of A’s capability in engineering informatics and has approached U of A to conduct a joint research program to investigate a methodology applicable to McCoy’s unique business practice nature for implementing a new enterprise resources planning system. The most challenging research aspect of novelty is the requirement of a neutral information model that is to be […]

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Broadband energy harvesting from tree-like mechanical structures

Harvesting energy from renewable resources, such as wind and ocean waves, is an important issue facing our world today. With the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, there is a need to move away from nonrenewable resources and to find new methods for capturing energy. Wind turbines operate most efficiently within a narrow […]

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A New Method of Measuring Soot Compositions in Aerosols

Particulate matter emitted from combustion engines is a problem due to negative health effects, effect on climate, and reduction of visibility. Soot is a type of particulate matter that is of particular concern to climate scientists and automobile manufacturers. Previously, it was difficult to measure the amount of material that is not black carbon on […]

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