Development of user interfaces for business intelligence tools in corporate incident data

This project aims to create a set of innovative business intelligence tools to enhance advanced data analytics capabilities of the Perspective system developed by PPM 2000. The Perspective system is an incident management system that facilitates corporate incident data collection, reporting, analysis and management. Incident data is a post-event record of accidents, thefts, hazards, or […]

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Design of an efficient DOCSIS 3.1 upstream cable modem termination system receiver operating in OFDMA and S-CDMA modes

The widespread availability of broadband internet has transformed Canadian life. However, the increasing volume of data traffic strains the “last mile” access networks that deliver broadband internet to individual premises. The cable industry has responded with updates to the dominant standard for cable modems (CMs) and cable modem termination systems (CMTSs), known as DOCSIS. The […]

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The impact of PCV13 vaccine program discontinuation on herd immunity decay and serotype replacement: a mathematical modeling study

The clinical and cost effectiveness of immunizing children WIth PCV7 and PCV13 is well established in the scientific literature. However the success of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in children has given rise to questions from payers regarding whether continued investment in PCV13 for children is needed. The proposed research project undertaken by the intern will help […]

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Evaluating the Confidence of Metabolite Rankings in NMR Metabolomics Data

The proposed project is for the intern to develop an algorithm to decide on the suitability of a group of chemical compounds to transfer from one detection instrument (low throughput) to another detection instrument (high throughput). For ease of use and cost considerations it is preferable for these chemical compounds to measured using a high […]

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Optimization of the Design of Coke Drum Support Structure

Delayed coking is an integral process in upgrading heavy, unusable crude oil to lighter, usable products such as gasoline. Coke drums are insulated, vertically oriented cylindrical pressure vessels that facilitate such a process. Due to the process of delayed coking, these drums are subjected to cyclic thermal-mechanical loading and episodes of thermal shock. One of […]

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Word Representation Learning for Detecting Malicious Chat Messages

Communicating with peers online is an increasingly popular activity for children and teenagers, which has led to growing concerns about bullying and other forms of malicious behaviour in online chat rooms and virtual worlds. Although some online forums are patrolled by human moderators, the amount of text being generated is typically too large even for […]

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Mathematical and Computational Techniques for Cytotoxicity

The study of toxicity is to investigate the adverse effects of chemical and physical agents on living organisms and biological systems, and it is an important topic in the health and environmental sciences. In recent years, Alberta researchers has made great progress and contribution towards developing an innovative toxicity profiling program, and tremendous data sets […]

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Development of plant-based beverage with high content and quality proteins

Plant-based beverages are inappropriate alternatives to bovine milk, due to lower protein content and not sufficient amount of essential amino acids. To produce nutritionally complete plant-based beverage with high overall acceptability, the technological interventions and fortification techniques need to be developed. Oat is one of the promising raw material for preparation of functional plant-based milk […]

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Engaging people experiencing poverty in poverty reduction initiatives

Across Canada, many provinces and municipalities are struggling to address poverty in their communities. Communities are attempting to address poverty with poverty reduction strategies. With a lack of literature to support these attempts, it is difficult for communities to best address poverty and to best engage people experiencing poverty in their poverty reduction initiatives. Results […]

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Credit Portfolio Management and Stress Testing Models Research & Development

Consistent with industry norms, ATB Financial conducts both mandatory and discretionary stress tests of the whole institution and of its credit portfolio. This project aims to contribute to the refinement of the in-house expertise on methodologies employed to measure credits risk and the overall level of risk of the institution. These activities normally requires management […]

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Modeling of the Wear Performance of Carbide-Based Overlays and Coatings

Surface degradation during Oil & Gas and Mining operations in the Province of Alberta are pervasive. This has resulted in extensive research and development activities into the development of advanced surface modifications that are based on overlays and coatings. Most research effort has focused on materials selection, fabrication, and optimization of wear performance of those […]

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