Prediction of Complex Molecule Structures with HDX Mass Spectrometry-guided Molecular Dynamics Simulations Part II – Generalization and Parametrization

Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a powerful emerging experimental technique which provides important information about the solvent exposed area of complex molecular systems that is not readily available through existing technologies. HDX-MS can be applied to the specific cases of small molecules binding to protein systems, which is very important for the understanding, and […]

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A Mathematical Framework for Modelling Forest Fire Spread

Computer prediction models for forest fires are of great value to wildfire management. The goal of this project is to analyze the mathematical model used by the Wildfire Science Unit in their Prometheus fire prediction software package. In particular, the internship will work on the development of a robust software package which includes 3-D features […]

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Planning Models for Emergency Medical Services Operations

The purpose of this project is to study the policies used to relocate ambulances in the City of Edmonton. The main goal of this internship is to improve the performance while minimizing the effects on ambulance crews’ workload. With this purpose in mind, the first step is to put in place a software simulation as […]

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Development of a Temperature-dependant Elastoplastic Constitutive Model for Metals and Alloys

The test characterization of the stress-strain relationship and the fatigue/failure behaviour under combined mechanical-thermal cyclic loadings for pressure vessels in the petrochemical industry is quite expensive and time consuming. An alternative approach is the finite element numerical analysis which requires an accurate and reliable mathematical constitutive model for the metallic materials. In this project, a […]

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Mathematical and statistical synthesis of sea lice and salmon population dynamics in the Broughton Archipelago

The David Suzuki Foundation, a science-based Canadian environmental organization, and an intern from the University of Alberta will analyze data on sea lice and Pacific salmon population dynamics using mathematical and statistical techniques. The project will have three components: (1) evaluate how well current management actions work to protect wild juvenile salmon from sea lice […]

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Benefits to Poultry Value Chain Participants of Providing New Producer Incentives for Improved Quality

This project will provide information to Canadian chicken producers and processors that will help them to produce high-quality chicken more efficiently. This objective will be achieved by rewarding producers for their quality-contributing production efforts. The analytical emphasis will be on reviewing and assessing selected, successful quality-rewarding pricing schemes in the poultry industries outside of Canada, […]

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A Comparative Analysis into the Choice Behavior of Consumers with Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a common autoimmune disease triggered by dietary gluten proteins from wheat, barley and rye. This internship will enable the development, implementation and analysis of a web-based consumer survey among celiacs in North America. The objectives are to 1) investigate consumers’ risk perceptions toward novel gluten-binding products that do not yet exist in […]

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Application of Spatial Statistics to Quantify Mixing and the Potential for Reaction

Many chemical reactions can produce unwanted byproducts which require additional purification steps and lead to unwanted waste. Additional purification steps consume large amounts of energy, and waste products can have a significant environmental impact. The chemistry can be modified so that the desired products are favored over the unwanted byproducts, and the mixing can be […]

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Lab-on-a-chip Nanosensor for Vitamin Detection

Vitamin deficiencies are one of the key reasons for infant deaths and a variety of diseases for adults including breast cancer, prostate and cervical cancer, rickets, schizophrenic depression, etc. An invention of a low-cost Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) microfluidic platform for the detection of Vitamin D and Vitamin A would be an answer for the potential multi-billion […]

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Automatic non-invasive detection of diseases of birds using Infrared Thermography

Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network (AVSN) is a unique effort in Alberta which provides diagnostic pathology and disease investigation support to veterinary practitioners to detect and respond to animal health issues that may affect public health, food safety, or market access that serves the mutual benefits of veterinarians, industry and government. Latest research reveals that Infrared […]

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Identification of Liquid Mixture using RF Pulses

This project involves the development of a prototype circuit that determines the ratio of glycol to water in an aircraft deicing fluid mixture. The prototype circuit consists of a wave guide probe that is submerged into a fluid mixture and a transceiver that transmits and receives ultra-short pulse signals. As different ratios of glycol to […]

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