Brazing Metallurgies and Processes for Attaching Sintered Carbide Tiles – Year two

A two-year study on brazing technologies used for sintered tungsten carbide tiles is proposed to address the following technical objectives: 1) brazing metallurgy for sintered tungsten carbide and substrate high strength steel, 2) adherence mechanisms between different braze compositions and carbide tiles, 3) brazing parameters for optimized brazed joint performance, and 4) the mechanical stresses […]

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Slice Finder: Application to Stress Testing

The project aims to use state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to perform model validation. In particular, the intern will validate outcomes from risk assessment models for loan portfolios. The results will be employed to further the efficiency of ATB’s internal stress testing models. The benefit for ATB financial will be the possibility to detect subsamples for […]

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Discovery of ligands for disrupting the SARS-CoV-2 interactome with human proteins using multipronged genetically encoded technologies

The proposed project will accelerate the drug development capabilities of 48Hour Discovery INC (48HD) to find high affinity drug candidates for treatment of COVID. The deliverable for this project will be high potential new drug candidates from 48HD’s drug discovery pipeline for COVID and other targets using unique molecular libraries of 48HD. The libraries are […]

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A Toolkit for Analyzing Online Conversations for Solutions Based Policy Development

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2014 Synthesis Report states that “substantial [greenhouse gas] emissions reductions over the next few decades can reduce climate risks in the 21st century and beyond, increase prospects for effective adaptation, reduce the costs and challenges of mitigation in the longer term, and contribute to climate-resilient pathways for sustainable […]

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Handheld intraoral ultrasound for assessment of tooth-periodontium complex

Correction of misaligned teeth requires orthodontic braces treatment. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been routinely used in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning in recent years. Its three-dimensional capability to view images has a significant advantage over traditional 2D X-rays. However, CBCT typically delivers more radiation than conventional dental 2D X-rays. As children and adolescents are […]

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Image segmentation of foliage and man-made objects in aerial RGB images

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology has advanced significantly in recent years. With the aerial data, analysis provides solutions to government agencies and industries, including the energy and forestry sectors, as well as urban/rural planning. Among the many aerial data modalities, RGB images play an important role in the analytics process. Our research problem involves segmenting […]

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Structural modeling for glycosaminoglycan/peptide complexes

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are biological anchors for growth factors (GF) and other chemical substances. The binding of these substances to GAGs can be modified in times of need. For example during wound healing the increased number of GAGs in the injured areas enables a very localized increase in growth factors and chemokines necessary for wound healing. […]

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Exploring the Impacts of a Community-Based Post-Secondary Education Award

Canadian community foundations significantly support post-secondary institutions and students in their provision of merit and needs based awards and bursaries. Yet little is known about the impacts of these investments for students. The Edmonton Community Foundation has partnered with UAlberta (Community Service-Learning) and the Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC) to explore the impacts of a […]

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Preliminary Design of Distributed Hydroponic Grow Systems in Residential Buildings as a Means of Addressing Market Interest and Food Supply Chain Disruption Due to COVID19

Hydroponics is a farming method that does not require soil, but rather utilizes a porous medium to hold plants so that waste of irrigation solution is minimized. This type of farming is considered more expensive than traditional open-field agriculture. However, it has been found to function well in enclosed spaces with a controlled environment, especially […]

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