DreamWafer Intelligent Rapid Prototyping Platform for Electronic Systems

The WaterBoard is a 'waffle iron' for prototyping electronic systems. In the envisioned concept, the user simply places components('dough') in the WaferBoard and closes the cover. 'WaferBoard' then senses the component contacts and recognizes the components and interconnects them ('cooks them'). The prototype ('waffle') is now ready to be brought up and run. The WaferBoard […]

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Ecosystem management of the forests of central Quebec

The deciduous forests of southern Quebec have been heavily impacted by centuries of human disturbances and now bear little resemblance to the forests initially encountered by European settlers. In the coming decades, the climate in this region is expected to change considerably, thus facilitating novel insect pest and disease attacks in these forests. However, not […]

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Deconstructing the Borromean Trinity of Free/Libre and Open Source Software Development: A Case Study at Savoir-Faire Linux

Savoir Faire Linux (SFL), a leading open source software solutions provider, operates within the free, libre and open source software (FLOSS) community. SFL has been successful because it has been able to effectively adapt code developed with the contributions of the FLOSS community to the needs of its clients. At the same time, however, control […]

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A semantic-based packet forwarding model for SDN

Software designed Networks (SDN), in particular OpenFlow and FORCES, encourage the writing of network protocols and policies as programs with the stated goal to make those programs ever more expressive, more predictable, more evolvable and more usable. Within the OpenFlow initiative, the level of programmability is expressed in a set of policy rules that are […]

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Evolution tectonique et métamorphique d’une portion de croûte à l’Archéen; exemple de la ceinture de roches vertes de l’Abitibi : implications sur les minéralisations aurifères orogéniques

e projet scientifique, qui se déroulera entre juin 2014 et mai 2016, comprend 8 blocs de stage Mitacs-Accélération répartis entre 3 stagiaires, en maitrise, doctorat et postdoctorat. Il vise à mieux comprendre la structure et le métamorphisme d’une portion de croûte archéenne, ainsi que les relations géométriques et chronologiques avec la mise en place des […]

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Gearbolts / télécommande SteelGrip

Le projet vise à concevoir une nouvelle télécommande de jeu interactive utilisant des fonctions inédites parmi les consoles de jeu existantes. Le design sera développé selon une approche centrée sur les utilisateurs afin d’assurer leur confort et le plaisir de jouer. La methode prévoit l’analyse ergonomique des modèles de commandes offertes sur le marché, l’élaboration […]

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Optimisation, développement et validation du SNAD 1.0

L’entreprise Nadeau Design a développé le SNAD, un véhicule urbain qui s’utilise avec des équipements sportifs actuels tel que la planche à roulettes ou le patin à roues alignées pour bénéficier d’une assistance motorisée électrique lors des déplacements. Comme plusieurs éléments du SNAD ont toujours des lacunes sur le plan de l’utilisabilité, ce qui compromet […]

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Federation of heterogeneous data sources for the linked data back-end in the Gold Fish mobile application

The overall goal is to create the backend of a mobile personal organizer that suggests professional events (conferences, colloquia, workshops, exhibitions) and contacts to establish while attending events, to members. Currently, the target audience are professionals in the biomedical domain. Given the need to feed data and meta-data from heterogeneous sources into the application, the […]

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Developing an Intelligent Conversational Agent Architecture related to the Banking Domain

This research project aims at creating a robust, efficient and reliable conversational agent for the banking domain that will offer a high level of performance in both key areas of conversational agent architecture: Natural Language Understanding and Response Generation. Natural language understanding approaches, retrieval-based models, as well as deep learning will be used to develop the […]

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Machine Learning Modeling for Autism Spectrum Disorder Handling and Treatment

The project is about developing a decision support tool to provide a personalized handling and treatment for Autistic Syndrome Disorder patients. This decision support tool will integrate machine learning modeling that will be used to suggest optimal and personalized guidelines for a very large spectrum of ASD patients, not available so far. Theses guidelines will […]

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WP 3.2.2 – Automated Log Analysis

Ciena is a Canadian company leader in engineering and manufacturing networking systems and devices. The company has around 5,000 operable products in its portfolio. The vast majority of Ciena products generate logs during the boot up and the mission mode operations from the various tasks running on their real time operating systems. The company wants […]

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