Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on quality of life in families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in British Columbia

The purpose of this research project is to understand how families of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in British Columbia can be best supported during COVID-19 and in similar pandemics. This will be accomplished by surveying parents and assessing how their child/ren and family have functioned during the current or Phase 1 of the […]

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Benefits and Challenges of using a Digital Health Platform for Remote Delivery of Allied Health Provider Services

The research project aims to discover the experience of two user groups interacting with a prototype developed by HealthQb. The user groups are patients suffering from anxiety, chronic pain and/or infertility, and their allied health practitioners, such as chiropractors, kinesiologists, naturopaths, osteopaths and physiotherapists. The patients will wear a wearable device that collects biometric data […]

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Ongoing Development of Energy-Economy Climate Policy Models

The overall objective for this project is to support the research of two master’s students who would help advance the methods for modelling energy-climate policies, a field in which EMRG in the School of Resource and Environmental Management at SFU is one of the leading research units in the country and in which Navius Research […]

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Modelling Potential Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Fish Habitat Offsets

A computer model will be used to simulate the impacts of sea-level rise on a tidal wetland in the Fraser River that is yet to be constructed. This research will provide project stakeholders with a better understanding of how resilient the proposed tidal wetland may be, given different possible sea-level rise scenarios. Results will be […]

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Computational Biochemistry Platform for Crop Health

The global population is rising, generating a need to produce more food to feed the world. Along with climate change, the food crops across the world are facing growing challenges from pests, pathogens and viruses that attack and destroy crops. In Canada, we export more than $7 billion worth of wheat every year. The Terramera-led […]

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Design Analytics and Design Reporting Tools

Design data is broadened beyond specifying built-environments to support evidence-based decision-making in the early phases of design. For using data, designers usually rely on specialized data visualizations. There is a need for interfaces specifically tailored for reporting designs with their form and performance data to and for seeking feedback from the other stakeholders who are […]

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Mapping Social Media Use in Kyrgyzstan: A Pilot Study

The research analyzes the structures of social networks, the varying uses of social media and information diffusion among social networking sites’ users in Kyrgyzstan as a pilot study and possibly expand in a subsequent project to Central Asia. We will study social media consequences on politics, the rise of populism, democracy, equality, participation, diversity, deliberation, […]

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Coda Continuous Delivery AI Platform

The Coda Continuous Delivery platform leverages advanced artificial intelligence techniques to accelerate innovation in software development and delivery. The project aims to improve the speed in which a software development team can achieve quality code and reduce the number of issues seen by customers in production. Using a continuously learning platform, Coda catalogues historical issues […]

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Evaluating Latency in Virtual Production Pipelines with Integrated Prediction Model for Motion Capture Data

Virtual Production (VP) is seeing a dramatic spike in interest and adaptation as the global film industry, particularly Hollywood, has been shutdown due to Covid-19. Virtual production is a broad term referring to a spectrum of computer-aided production and visualization filmmaking methods, and is also being used for broader applications from animation to industrial visualization. […]

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Optimizing Machine Learning to Increase Relevance in Photo Selection for Private School-Based Social Media

Machine learning, specifically deep learning, for face recognition applications has advanced significantly over the past 20 years [ref: science direct survey on deep based facial recognition]. There are many deep learning concepts pertinent to face image analysis and facial recognition, and there is active research in outstanding problems ranging from effective algorithms to handle variations […]

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Interaction between cannabinoid drugs and sodium channels in diabetes/high glucose induced oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurotoxicity – Year two

Diabetes mellitus, a common metabolic disorder, exhibits neuropathic complications that can eventually lead to disabling pain (Todorovic 2015). This is attributed to hyperglycemia/high glucose resulting in neuronal hyperexcitability (Todorovic 2015). Importantly, diabetes-evoked neuronal hyperexcitability and neurotoxicity can be caused by alterations in voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) expression (Hong, Morrow et al. 2004), resulting in changes […]

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