Feature Set Generation from Customer Transaction Data for Customer Classification

Verafin is an information technology company that specializes in customer intelligence solutions for small and midsize financial institutions. There is a high demand for automated fraud and money laundering detection and prevention systems since such activities cost millions to the financial industry every year. A key problem with detection techniques is the accurate and descriptive […]

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Protection Strategies for Subsea Wellheads in Iceberg Environments

The design of subsea infrastructure on the Grand Banks and, potentially, Labrador Sea must address the potential interaction with freely floating and gouging icebergs. Current practice is to protect the subsea infrastructure, such as conductors, wellheads and production trees, within massive excavations known as glory holes. For marginal fields or satellite wells, considerations of capital […]

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Mathematical Modelling of Planing Hull Motions in Waves

In the marine and offshore industry, the safety of small vessels such as life boats and fast rescue crafts is a critical issue to designers, operators and regulation bodies. It concerns not only the reliable design, but also the safe training and operation. Accurate prediction of small vessel motions in waves is essential to the […]

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An Integrated Evaluation and Planning System for Supporting Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources

Groundwater over-extraction and the associated adverse effects have raised significant concerns. In order to respond to the urgent calls for effective management approaches and control actions, this study aims to develop an innovative groundwater evaluation and planning system by integrating water balance modelling, system optimization, scenario analysis and capability assessment. The main research tasks to […]

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Customer Segmentation Using Feature Set Generated from Customer Transaction Data

There is a high demand for automated fraud and money laundering detection and prevention systems since such activities costs millions to the financial industry every year. A key problem in detection techniques is the accurate and descriptive profiling of the accounts. Thus, it is important to identify the salient features in traction data that would […]

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Development of CFD Code for Marine Applications

The objective of this project is to develop a numerical tool to compute the viscous effects of ships and marine systems operating at the free surface. A level-set method will be developed to capture the free surface. Various turbulence models will be developed to model the turbulent flow around a ship. Validation studies will be […]

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Reliability Based Design Framework for High Strength Linepipe

The internship objective is to establish a reliability based design framework for high strength linepipe subject to internal pressure, axial force and end moment for monotonic loading conditions. Linepipe grade material with specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) equal to or greater than Grade 550 (X80) is defined as high strength linepipe. The mechanical performance design […]

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Optimization of Optical Signal in Microarrays: Predicting properties of polycrystalline ZnO coatings

This project addresses an important need for more reliable diagnostics and health care testing. DNA microarray technology coupled with PCR has enabled a dramatic improvement in high]throughput clinical diagnostics, with analogous advances from other biomolecular and chemical microarrays in areas of metabolomics, proteomics, etc. There is still room for improvement, however, in boosting signal from […]

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Validation and Further Development of MAPS-Mooring for Deepwater Marine Risers

In the offshore industry, the design of risers/mooring systems for intermediate depths can be based on either experimental or computational methods. The computational methods have generally been based on uncoupled quasistatic analysis or semi-coupled dynamic analysis. The research team at the Advanced Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory at MUN, in collaboration with Oceanic Consulting Corportation, has developed […]

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Access to Health Care in Labrador

This project will examine the barriers to health care services experienced by the people of Labrador. It will be conducted in three stages. First, a literature review will examine health issues facing Labradorians. Included in this will be a literature review of health research conducted in Canada's northern territories, as this area is culturally and […]

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