An effective CO2 capture technology for offshore petroleum facilities

The current project aims to design and optimize the cryogenic CO2 capture process in terms of CO2 removal efficiency and energy requirement. The serious concern of global warming due to increasing CO2 emission has urged policymakers to employ various CO2 capture methods. Note that among different CO2 capture methods, the cryogenic capture is a favorable […]

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Development of an improved generative adversarial network method for data augmentation and its application in environmental and financial domains

Using simplified language understandable to a layperson; provide a general, one-paragraph description of the proposed research project to be undertaken by the intern(s) as well as the expected benefit to the partner organization. (100 – 150 words) This project aims to increase image datasets by not doing experiments or collecting physical checks. Instead, the image […]

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Developing Methods for Quantification and Characterization of Fucoidan Present in Laminaria Digitata Extract

Using simplified language understandable to a layperson; provide a general, one-paragraph description of the proposed research project to be undertaken by the intern(s) as well as the expected benefit to the partner organization. (100 – 150 words) 7 Fathoms Seaweed Skincare (7FSS) is a small business that has developed products which incorporate an extract of […]

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Gut Microbiota Composition and Behaviour in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris)

This study will investigate the links between dog behaviour and gut microbiome content in dogs living in St John’s and surrounding areas. The temperament of each dog will be assessed using an online behavioural questionnaire, and additional information will be collected about the dog’s lifestyle, diet and medical history. The intern will take fecal samples […]

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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technique for Autonomous Operation of Mining Robots

This project proposes an application of Fuzzy-Evolutionary Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm for autonomous navigation of mining robots in underground mines. This project aims to develop techniques that are useful for mining automation activities, particularly for infrastructureless navigation of load-haul-dump vehicles and drilling equipment. The intern will use current equipment facilities available with the […]

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Trends in Redfish Sebastes spp. Abundance in the Northwest Atlantic and the Relative Importance of Fisheries and Environmental Variables

While the collapse of Atlantic cod is the most well-known and studied, other less studied species, such as redfish Sebastes spp., have experienced comparable declines. These declines have resulted in the closure of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, northern and eastern Grand Bank and Labrador Shelf redfish fisheries since the mid-1990s, while reduced quotas are […]

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Physical Properties and Geophysical Correlations of the Lac de Gras Kimberlites and Host Rocks at Diavik Diamond Mines

The Diavik Diamond Mine is located in Canada's remote North, 300 kilometres northeast of Yellowknife, NWT. In this project, the intern will collect and analyze samples of Kimberlite from the Diavik property to determine their physical properties. The data will then be carefully analyzed to look for trends regarding new information that could lead to […]

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Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Mooring Lines in Deep and Shallow Water

The objective of this research project is to develop a computer program to predict the responses of mooring lines in waves and current. The nonlinear line tensions and anchor loads will be computed. By integrating the computer program into a vessel motion analysis tool, the development allows for the coupled mooring line and vessel dynamics […]

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Mathematical Modelling of Small Craft Motion

Simulation training is widely used in the aircraft industry to train pilots to operate aircraft. Likewise, ship bridge simulators are used to train the crews of large vessels. The efficacy of this type of training is recognized by international standards and is often required by regulations. A new application of simulation training technology is being […]

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Wave Diffraction of Floating Structures in Partially Frozen Seas

The objective of the proposed project is to develop a mathematical model to compute the wave diffraction force on a floating structure partially frozen or surrounded by an ice sheet. The horizontal and vertical forces on the cylinder and bending stress in the ice plate will be computed. The results will be compared with those […]

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Computation of Second-Order Wave Forces on Offshore Structures

The objective of the intern’s research is to develop a computer program based on a panel-free method to predict the second-order wave loads on floating offshore structures which are critical for coupled mooring analysis. Integration of the mooring analysis computer program with a second-order wave loading analysis tool will allow for the coupled mooring line […]

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