Development and improvement of design manuals and analysis tools for Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC’s) in gas turbine engine applications

Non-metallic technologies, including composite materials, have the potential to improve aircraft engines performances and fuel efficiency, and therefore gained a lot of popularity in the aerospace sector in the past decades. Therefore, the overall objective of this research project is to develop an understanding of all available non-metallic technologies, their maturity and value proposition when […]

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Advanced Methodology for Grid-to-Rod Fretting Modeling

The research project provides for the advancement of knowledge of and methodology for fretting phenomena modeling specific to nuclear fuel rod systems to preclude component failures. Grid-to-rod-fretting (GTRF) remains the most common cause of fuel rod failures and associated performance issues in pressurized water reactors (PWR). GTRF denotes the deterioration of the surface integrity of […]

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Optical short reach interconnect

In the era of ‘BIG DATA’ and ‘Internet of Everything’, in order to provide the meshed data network with high capacity, advanced optical short reach interconnect technology are eagerly required. Silicon photonics has attracted intensive interest as it succeeded to provide highly energy efficient and broadband width integrated photonic devices on one chip to satisfy […]

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Legado Development: Net Zero Energy Capable Design Strategy

The following proposal is to research and develop Net Zero Energy (NZE) capable sustainable design strategies for Legado, a large building development planned for Griffintown, Montreal. Two interns will work with 7983859 CANADA INC. under the supervision of professors from the School of Architecture at McGill University and the Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies […]

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Effects of feeding a yeast-derived microbial protein source on production, reproduction and behavioural parameters in transition dairy cows

Transition cows (3 wk before calving until 3 wk after calving) often suffer from negative energy and protein balances due to reduced feed intake, but increased nutrient demands for milk production. In Canada, up to 50% of transition cows may be affected by a metabolic (ketosis, hypocalcemia, and milk fever) or infectious (retained placenta, displaced […]

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Low maintenance lawn with big climate footprint

Reduction in C release to atmosphere and sequestering in soil has shown strong potential to combat climate change and only possible source where city landscapes can sequester C in soil is mainly in the lawns. Researching on new varieties on lawn grasses to increase C sequestration has the potential to reduce grower’s resilience on high […]

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Multi-Criteria Supply Chain Design and Management Tool for Food Convergent Innovation in Dairy Business

The project will develop a firm-level multi-criteria supply chain design and management tool for Parmalat that will accommodate conflict and convergence between requirements for lean, agile, green, resilient, and nutrition characteristics that are all needed for convergent innovation (CI) in the dairy sector supply chain. A three-pronged program of activity is proposed in this project […]

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Activity recognition using physical layer information from wireless communications infrastructure

Sensing technologies require the deployment and maintenance of complex and large infrastructures. This research proposal is focused on people’s activity recognition technologies though existing WiFi infrastructures. The information gathered by this technology can be applied to different industries like home automation, security, etc. In the future, this technology will powered applications in the home automation […]

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Going beyond genomics: Applying gene editing to the bovine industry

A new revolution in life science research is ongoing since the discovery of the CRISPR/Cas system. With this technology is now possible to specifically and efficiently manipulate the genome of cultured cells, embryos and animals. The technology has many applications in agriculture including the dairy genetic industry to generate the next generation of elite animals […]

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Investigation of electrochemical post-processing procedure for Ti-6Al-4V lattice structure manufactured by Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)

Additive manufacturing that is commonly called 3D printing has been identified as the 3rd industrial revolution because the outstanding flexibility that it brings to designer in the industry. Because the part is printed layer by layer, almost any complex geometry that can?t be made by conventional methods can be fabricated in a wide range of […]

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Potential clinical uses of glycopeptides

Red blood cells are stored in blood collection centres for blood transfusion; however, some of red blood cells are discarded due to the poor quality after storage for a period of time because the poor quality of the red blood cells will cause health problems in individuals after transfusion. In this project, we are going […]

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