Green Sustainable Telco Cloud part II

Bringing cloud computing from the Internet domain to Next Generation Networks (NGN) in order to provide Telco cloud services will leverage the use of NGN, reduce costs and create many value-added services. It is therefore becoming critical for world-class carriers, like Bell and Telus, to adopt a cloud-based communications model. However, unlike public Internet clouds, […]

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Recherche de l’influence des paramètres de fabrication sur la performance lors du cyclage thermique des barres d’alternateurs hydrauliques

La durée de vie des équipements haute tension, comme les alternateurs de puissance, est généralement limitée par celle de son système d’isolation. Le revêtement isolant utilisé pour les barres en cuivre représente l’élément de ces machines dont la résistance thermique et mécanique est la plus faible. En plus, les matériaux impliqués dans la conception de […]

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Caractérisation des propriétés thermomécaniques (TM) d’enrobésspéciaux incorporant des matériaux recyclés provenant de lasidérurgie en vue de leur optimisation

Dans la perspective de préserver les ressources naturelles non renouvelables et de contribuer concrètement à un développement durable, l’entreprise Bauval travaille assidument à la valorisation de résidus industriels, les scories d’aciérie, comme source de granulat dans la production d’enrobés spéciaux ultra-performants. Quatre (4) enrobés à chaud spéciaux de hautes technologies incorporant des scories sont actuellement […]

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Exploring Deep Learning Architectures for Automatic Casting from Movies

Automatic casting applications aim is to accurately recognise facial regions that correspond to a same actor appearing in a movie to produce described video. This project will focus on the tasks of re-identify the face of each principal actors when they appear in different scenes of a movie. This is a challenging task because although […]

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Phased array inspection of large size forged steel blocks

The objective of this project is to integrate ultrasonic imaging into nondestructive inspection process performed in industrial settings on large size steel blocks. Indeed, Fink Steel is specialised in manufacturing large size forged steel and need to warrant the quality of each part before shipping using ultrasounds. This imaging method based on the same principle […]

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Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

This project solves the problem of generating content for a conversational intelligent tutoring system (ITS). The ITS gives questions to the student and then analyzes their answer using machine learning algorithms. Based on the student answer, the system will give them the hints and teach them how to solve the question. Moreover, the system will […]

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Energy Efficient 360 Video Processing for Portable VR-Technologies

This project focuses on the energy consumption of modern virtual reality applications. The target devices are virtual-reality-glasses that can be worn on the head and that simulate a virtual 3D environment to users. Most modern devices are still rather heavy, uncomfortable to wear, and attached to a powerline such that the user experience can still […]

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Automating financial reports redaction

The objective of the proposed research project is to automate the redaction of financial portfolios reports. The generated reports should inform the reader about which factors influenced the portfolio’s returns, to what degree, and how far these factors deviate from the norm.

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