Forecasting Single Detached Residential Heat Demand byMonitoring Central Thermostat Response to Weather Conditions

This research seeks to find a method of predicting how much heating is required to maintain comfort in homes. By collecting information such as outside weather conditions and inside temperatures along with thermostat ontime, a method of predicting the needed heat for the home will be determined. Research involves installing devices in homes that record […]

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Harnessing the potential of land-based Aquaculture by-productsthrough the use of aerobic bioreactor technology

The overall project goal is the adoption of ensiling and aerobic bioreactor system used within recirculating aquaculture systems, a developing industry within aquaculture. RAS, produce waste streams incorporating various fish wastes. Some RAS operations integrate fish processing facilities onsite, further increasing waste products. Currently waste products form these systems are disposed of through outside contractors […]

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Modular Energy Storage and Control Systems

The excessive burning of fossil fuels into our atmosphere is causing our climate to change rapidly. This change in climate will have detrimental effects on home security, crop yield, energy security, and water scarcity. Many geopolitical and social pressures are present to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As of now over 70% of electricity in […]

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Infra-Climate Hybrid Bridge Design System

Integral Abutment Bridges (IABs) are unique structures in the sense that they are rigid compared to typical bridges that have bearing connections. Bridges are designed to withstand forces sourcing from its own weight and ongoing traffic as well as temperature forces. As the temperature varies (cyclic in nature), the bridge experiences contraction and expansion forces […]

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Innovating a crop assessment system using a real-time, hardware-based drone image processing system to support on-the-spot decision in agriculture

Agricultural producers are concerned about producing food, increasing productivity, and making sustainability, while drones along with governments, technology leaders, and industry are playing an important role as a part of solution of this [9]. This drone imagery is for farmers so that, they can fly their fields, and not only pinpoint issues such as, irrigation […]

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Enhancing horticultural production through carbon dioxide enrichment and heat recovery from municipal organics composting

Vertical farming is an innovative urban agricultural practice that can efficiently use resources to supply food for communities, while high energy cost is becoming an economic bottleneck to long-term development and growth of the technology. The potential exists to capture and take advantage of by-products generated from the biological decay of the organics during the […]

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A Usability Study of Teacher Help: Classroom Management

The goal of the proposed research project is to evaluate the usability of a new module for an existing eLearning program for classroom teachers called Teacher Help. The new module is designed to provide training in evidence-based classroom management strategies to decrease disruptive classroom behaviour. Participants will be classroom teachers (n =20) and other stakeholders […]

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Improvement and validation of the integrity of a novel commercial software for utility pole design

The conventional utility pole design methodologies used a decade or so ago produced poles that would be considered “safe” but in most cases they were not cost-effective solutions. This is because the resulting poles were usually over-designed, mainly due to several simplifying assumptions and incorporation of various rules-of-thumbs in the design procedures. Such design practices […]

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Research into an Implementation Framework for National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) in NL

On June 3, 2019, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) released its Final Report. Among its 231 recommendations, Calls for Justice 5.7 and 9.2(iii) urge the federal, provincial, and territorial governments to take specific steps to strengthen civilian oversight of police services by ensuring stronger Indigenous participation in police […]

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Optimizing Wall Formwork Shuttering Design Using Prefabricated Panels in Concrete Construction

Determining an optimal formwork shuttering solution is not a well answered problem, relying heavily on the designer’s preferences and past experiences rather than efficient algorithms and standardized procedures. This results in inefficient solutions that increase overall costs and construction time. Globally, formwork is nearly a $6 billion USD/ year industry; even minor improvements in efficiency […]

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