Effect of Convective vs. Freeze Drying on the Hemp Bioactive Compounds

Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) and its fibres being durable are used in fabrics, sail making and papermaking. Its seed is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, 6) and its oil is used for cooking and for medicinal purposes. Cannabis contains cannabinoids, of which, ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) have been identified as […]

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Antigen Tracking of the DPX-R9F immunotherapy using MRI – Part 2

IMV Inc. is developing injectable cancer immune therapy using the company’s DPXTM technology. DPX is a patented formulation that displays excellent tumor control and provides a long lasting and specific effect. The way by which this therapy exerts its effect is unclear but the translational team at IMV is determined to discover its mechanism of […]

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Smart Atlantic Buoy Redundancy Model

This research will provide a prediction of sea conditions at a given location based on measurements from meteorlogic and oceanographic “smart” buoys in the general area. The motivation is to provide redundancy in the measurement of sea conditions for safe navigation within the Halifax Harbour when the main smart buoy in Halifax Harbour fails or […]

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Printing of Collagen microgels

Developing technology capable of onsite medical diagnostics is crucial for health-care delivery in clinical and emergency settings. To perform on-site diagnostics, health-care practitioners need compact, inexpensive, and user-friendly equipment. Alentic Microscience has developed a system that uses small volumes of blood for cell counting and serum tests, occurring at the site of blood extraction. This […]

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Assessment of Comprehensive Self-Care Programs in the Workplace: A Mixed Methods Study

The purpose of this 20-week study is two-fold. First, assess two comprehensive self-care programs on employee and organizational outcomes. Second, explore the self-care phenomenon. A single financial services organization will participate in the study. Financial consultants will be randomly assigned by office location into three groups. Group #1 will attend a comprehensive self-care program called […]

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Retention of Bioactives in Haskap Berry Powder Produced by Refractance Window Drying

Haskap berries are a recent arrival to the North American market. They have extremely high levels of bioactive compounds that are associated with various health benefits including antioxidant activity and the reduction of many degenerative diseases. This research investigates the use of Refractance Window (RW) drying for the production of a high quality haskap powder […]

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Feasibility Study: Class E/F Amplifiers for driving therapeutic ultrasound transducers

The project involves the development of a power amplifier for driving therapeutic ultrasound transducers such as those used in treating cancer and inducing blood coagulation. In particular, the design will make use of a unconventional amplifier topology, class E/F, and advanced GaN FET technology in order to maximize amplifier efficiency. High efficiency amplifiers are important […]

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Integrated Harvesting Technologies to Improve Berry Recovery and Quality

The overall objective of the proposed initiative is to develop a novel, automated and integrated harvesting system that will identify the root causes of increased loses; increase berry picking efficiency and product quality. The increased harvesting losses of wild blueberry crop during harvesting have pushed the growers and processors within the industry to set a […]

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Evaluation of Phostrol Uptake and Efficacy against Late Blight and Verticillium Wilt in Potato Cultivars Grown in Nova Scotia

This proposed project is aimed at using a newly approved environmentally-friendly fungicide Phostrol to control the most serious diseases of late blight and Verticillium wilt in potato production. Current control strategies for late blight control are harmful to the environment; with the removal of the fumigation practice, there is no alternative options for growers to […]

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Bioprocessing of microalgae for functional food applications

Microalgae have potential for use in both the food and feed industries. It is already used in a number of different applications, including biofuels, flavour enhancers, colouring agents and emulsification agents, as well as sources of protein, polysaccharides, lipids and vitamins. Microalgae also contains proteins which can serve as precursor of small fragment (3-20 amino […]

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Using the Arabidopis toolbox to evaluate the plant growth promoting activity of purified molecules from brown algal extracts

Seaweeds and seaweed products have been promoted in agriculture as source of nutrients and activators, to improve plant growth, plant productivity and food production. A wide range of beneficial effects have been observed, including seed germination, enhanced growth and crop yield, elevated resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. However, the bioactive compounds have not been […]

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Optimization of haskap Juice manufacturing process

Haskap, an emerging new berry crop in Canada, has tremendous potential for use in functional foods. The crop can be easily propagated and grown in a wide range of soils providing economic benefit, in that it will allow for better use of abundant farm lands present in Atlantic Canada. Research conducted at the Dalhousie Agricultural […]

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