Corporate Residency Business Analyst

CarbonCure Technologies, Inc. was founded in 2007 to spur a market shift towards affordable green concrete. The company has built durable industry partnerships, with plant installations across North America. The CarbonCure innovation permanently absorbs waste CO2 into precast concrete, creating an innovative green building material and giving producers a clear competitive advantage. The Mitacs research […]

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He said, she said: career histories of senior information communications technology leaders from Nova Scotia. Barriers and enablers to advancement for women and men

The study will contribute to a better understanding of Information Communications Technology (ICT) leadership development and in particular to executive career management for both men and women. Human resource management practices which contribute to advancement of senior women will be identified in an evidence-based fashion to encourage their application by decision makers. The study will […]

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High Frequency Beamformer Design with matched Transducer Array

It is the aim of this internship to develop and perform cost-analysis on a set of manufacturing protocols for batch production of high frequency annular ultrasound imaging arrays. To our knowledge this would represent the first time that such arrays have designed for high-volume (2000/wk) production, making the project highly novel. Once the process is […]

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Salmon peptide identification and purification: insulin modulation

This proposal describes a multidisciplinary approach to optimize the separation of peptides from an enzyme digest of filleting waste (frames) recovered from farm-raised Atlantic salmon. Our work has demonstrated that a particular salmon peptide fraction has the ability to reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes in rodent feeding trials and model system (tissue culture) […]

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Investigating Stream Clustering and Correlation for Heterogeneous Gaming Data

In today’s world it is important to make data-driven decisions. However, as the data volume increases and as it evolves continuously and dynamically, in other words as we get more and more streaming data, it becomes more challenging to use such data for decision making and support. Thus in this research, we aim to develop […]

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Enhancing agricultural production through the use of alkaline stabilized biosolids

Agricultural use of municipal biosolids has many possible benefits for producers, including improved soil physical properties and fertility supplements for crop production. However, recent concerns with pharmaceutical ingredients, consumer product ingredients, and hormones entering into sensitive ecological environments such as surface or ground water has brought into question the continued use of biosolids in agriculture. […]

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LANGA – Big Data for Language Learning

LANGA is a project at Copernicus Studios (Halifax, NS) that is experimenting with the use of automated speech recognition in on-line video games to assist in language learning. Over the past 2 years, the company has been developing prototypes of the game and testing them in conjunction with the NeuroCognitive Imaging Lab at Dalhousie University. […]

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Embedded Low Power Signal Processing for Passive Acoustic Monitoring

This project will attempt to explore the solution space around a number of key issues related to passive underwater acoustic monitoring. Namely the mitigation of acoustic flow noise in turbulent environments, digital compression techniques for underwater acoustic data and the implementation of real time signal processing algorithms related to the detection of marine mammals on […]

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Improving berry picking efficiency of wild blueberry harvester using precision agriculture and bio-systems modeling techniques

The overall objective of the proposed initiative is to develop a novel, automated and integrated field operation and berry harvesting system that will identify the root causes of increased loses; increase berry picking efficiency and product quality. Currently, there are 15 to 25% fruit yield losses during the harvesting with the existing commercial blueberry harvester. […]

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Design and Development of a Secure Online Platform for Real-Estate Transactions

ExactDeposit is an online tool that enables real-estate buyers to pay deposits on real-estate transactions electronically via credit or debit card. In addition to facilitating the deposit transaction, it will allow real-estate brokers and agents to log in and view transaction statistics both in real-time and historically. The tool will provide a user-friendly online form […]

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Sustainability & Environmental Management in a Private Sector Seafood Company

Clearwater Seafoods Ltd. Partnership (Clearwater) is a global seafood company concerned with the long-term sustainability of marine resources. A number of Clearwater’s products are MSC certified. This is a voluntary program which involves verifying that the rigorous standards outlined in the federal fisheries regulations are being followed. Annual audits are conducted to ensure they are […]

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