Quantitative estimation of the radiance distribution in the lab and the seas

  It is of great value to understand the variation of the light field as viewed from different directions in the sea. Satlantic Inc. developed a radiance camera (RadCam) for imaging the visible light field over an entire hemisphere with a high dynamic range. In the current project, I propose a quantitative estimation of the radiance distribution in […]

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An analysis of the potential for Nova Scotia’s COMFIT program’s to improve the province’s energy security

To meet the targets set out in Nova Scotia’s Renewable Electricity Plan (REP) on April 2010, the province is establishing a Community Feed-In-Tariffs (COMFIT) program, which sets out to encourage communities to develop renewable energy projects. The REP stipulates that 100 megawatts of renewable electricity projects are to be supplied through COMFIT. The proposed research […]

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Prevention of hearing loss by oral administration of the flavonoid-enriched fraction AF4

Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds which give fruits and vegetables their bright colours. Habitual consumption of dietary flavonoids reduces the risk for neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Pre-clinical studies performed using animal models for these disorders have convincingly demonstrated that flavonoids not only halt the pathological processes which cause neurodegeneration but […]

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Capacity planning at sureshot dispensing systems

AC Dispensing is one of Nova Scotia’s most progressive companies. It has invested in state of the art metal cutting equipment and sophisticated manufacturing planning and scheduling software. This project will assist AC Dispensing in developing mathematical models that will enhance their capabilities in planning production to meet customer demand. The work will involve data […]

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Development of a low cost ultrasonic imaging system

This project will develop a low cost, high-frequency ultrasonic scanner that will provide two dimensional images of small animals. The system is targeted at the academic researchers and small biotechnology firms that use small animals for basic science research or testing of therapeutics. A novel scanning mechanism, currently at prototype stage will be developed and […]

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Genomics Study to Identify Genes & Pathways Controlling Reproductive Longevity

Reproductive Longevity (RL) is a complex biological trait under the control of many genes. In livestock, RL of female breeders is a key productivity factor, especially for dairy cows. The genes that determine RL in humans are potential sources of diagnostic and therapeutic innovations for fertility and reproductive health. The proposed research aims to identify […]

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High resolution wind turbine power output forecasting

Wind turbine generator power output and consumer electricity demand vary independently from one another. This presents a difficult situation for electricity grid managers as they attempt to exactly match demand using wind turbines and conventional generators (e.g. hydro, fossil fuels). Accurate forecasting of wind turbine generator power enhances management of the electricity grid, allowing for […]

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Assessment of a novel chemical entity (TRV 1387) in the treatment of tau-related neuropathology and behavioral impairment in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

The onset of symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease, Picks disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and cortical basal degeneration are connected to the formation of insoluble deposits of the tau protein in the brain, also known as neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). The Treventis Corporation has developed new chemicals that are designed to prevent the formation of NFT, which may […]

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Minimizing the Impacts and Maximizing the Benefits of Marine Shipping Activities for Arctic Communities Through the Use of Traditional Knowledge

Interest in Arctic shipping is growing as sea ice is melting and as other industries are developing. An increase in shipping presents risks to both the natural environment (from the movement of ships and the products that they carry) and to the local communities that rely on those healthy environments for food and other products. […]

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Investigating the feasibility of and the implementation of pre-implantation genetic testing at Atlantic Assisted Reproductive Therapies

Atlantic Assisted Reproduction Therapies (AART) is the primary facility located in the Atlantic Provinces capable of assisting reproductively challenged couples. Fertility Pharmacy Services(FPS) is an onsite subsidiary of AART. AART offers a wide range of services, however, AART currently does not have the capacity to assist individuals who require preimplantation genetic testing. Clients who require […]

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