Understanding the Reliability of WiMAX-Based Transmission in the Internet

WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is an innovative communication technology for broadband wireless access to the Internet. Because of high bandwidth and large coverage, WiMAX has experienced exponential growth over the past years. So far, many telecommunication companies around the world have started to offer WiMAX services. Despite the popularity of WiMAX, the reliability […]

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Optimizing new thinning strategies with a mathematical model to increase yields and control biennial bearing of Honeycrisp apple trees

The recently introduced variety, Honeycrisp, is well-suited to the Annapolis region. Already planted in over 350 acres, Honeycrisp sells for four times the price of other apples. Unfortunately this variety has a major flaw – a tendency to biennial bearing through a strong tendency of producing only spurs and no substantial shoot growth. We need […]

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Occupational exposure assessment in fishing vessel holds

  Fisheries are dynamic, complex environments associated with high risk of occupational injury and fatality. A multitude of factors directly and indirectly mediate occupational risks in fisheries. This study addresses the area of air-related risks in enclosed spaces on board fishing vessels. In decked vessels, fishing vessel holds and sleeping and eating areas are enclosed […]

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Producer and Consumer Attitudes towards Forest Product Biomass for Renewable Energy Generation

  Nova Scotia woodland owners will be surveyed to explore their attitudes towards forest product biomass as a renewable energy resource. The four A’s of energy security: accessibility, acceptability, affordability and availability (Asia Pacific Energy Research Council, 2007), provide the framework for the survey questions. In contrast, selected community members from the same counties as […]

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Reconstructing viewing parameters from images as a tool in airplane assembly

During assembly of an aircraft, technicians working in the interior need to be able to quickly identify parts and access part numbers. Part numbers can be retrieved through 3D geometric models of the aircraft. Navigating large 3D models is challenging and time consuming, and it is nearly impossible on small mobile devices with limited processing […]

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Character n-gram based clustering of noisy documents with interactive supervision

  Mining aviation safety reports is a critical task in improving safety of civilian aviation. NASA maintains a publicly available database of aviation safety-related incident reports, the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS). It is of great practical interest to provide automated tools that assist aviation safety analysts in identifying and analyzing reports about particular safety aspects, such as turbulence […]

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Novel 3D Sensor based Gesture Controlling System for Video Games

This project will develop a novel sensor based gesture controlling system aiming at significantly improving game player's satisfaction via realistic playing engagement/experience. With such interface technology, the player can control the game directly via his/her natural gestures and body movements which are translated into game interface parameters in real time. The objectives of this project […]

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Interactive Sentiment Analysis of Social Media for Policy Decision Making

  Foreign Affairs analysts monitor news media for evidence of shift in public sentiment on key political questions in countries with unstable regimes. Health Canada analysts monitor social media for public reactions to the outbreak of H1N1 flu and the government’s response. The analysts make recommendations to the government regarding public and defense policy decisions. Given the massive amounts […]

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Analyzing and benchmarking a large-scale laboratory utilization data through network analysis and visualization techniques

Dr. Calvino Cheng Incorporated aims at developing higher health care quality and efficiency through the increased use of automation and better data visualization. Within Capital District Health Authority (CDHA), 3/5 of laboratory ordering originates in the outpatient setting. This is at approximately a cost of $3.3 million per month (CDHA quality assurance data). Unfortunately it […]

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Growing Canadian Cleantech: Improving Seaforth Energy’s access to the Indian small scale wind turbine market

  Seaforth Energy is seeking to expand its small wind turbine business to the rapidly growing Indian market where ‘off-grid’ sustainable energy solutions are needed. In order to assess the feasibility of such an endeavor, this research project will examine the current Indian renewable energy policy and investment climate. However, Seaforth’s success in penetrating this […]

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