Formulating and solving the multi-calendar resumable and non-resumable Naval Surface Ship Work Period Problem

This project deals with the development of a new mathematical model and a fast solution method to optimize the multi-calendar naval surface ship refit scheduling problem with resumable and non-resumable operations. The Naval Surface Ship Work Period Problem (NSWPP) is a highly complex resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) with many work orders that are equivalent […]

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Utilizing Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Improve Poultry Farm Productivity

Within the Canadian context, poultry farmers are constrained by regulations that predetermine chicken prices and market supply. As a result, they are limited in the approaches they can take to improve the profitability of their operations. Within this regulatory framework, farmers must rely on measures that can be applied on their farms to improve chicken’s […]

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Wire arc additive manufacturing and post-fabrication heat treatment of PH 13-8Mo martensitic stainless steel

The proposed Mitacs E-Accelerate project aims to develop the application of 3D-printing technique, and facilitate the transformation from conventional fabrication methods to newly developed additive manufacturing technologies for Canadian industrial sectors. One of the main barriers that prevents the wide-spread utilization of 3D-printing technique is the uncertainties in the resultant performance of the as-printed parts. […]

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Moment Connections to RHS Columns

The proposed research aims to demonstrate the performance of effective, non-proprietary moment connections for wide-flange (W-) beams to rectangular hollow section (RHS) columns in limited-ductility (Type LD) moment resisting frames (MRFs) that are easy and cost-effective to fabricate, handle, and erect. Two W-beam-to-RHS column moment connection prototypes will be developed and tested, in duplicate, at […]

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Detecting noise and artifact in CW ultrasound signal processing using machine learning and cloud-based tools

Continuous wave (CW) ultrasound systems are extremely sensitive to movement, noise, and artifacts of reflective tissues within the body that return doppler ultrasound signals to the receiver. In the application of CW ultrasound to clinical applications, classifying and handling noise/artifacts is essential for broad clinical adoption. A machine learning (ML) algorithm is commonly used for […]

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QUOREM: A data science platform for microbiology research

In the genomics era, microbiologists are collecting data at an accelerating pace. We have created a data science platform called QUOREM that significantly reduces the technical burden experienced by microbial ecologists associated with managing ever-increasing quantities of data. We believe that public and private research groups in Canada could benefit our platform, and the ability […]

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Characterization of various insulation materials, coatings, and non-metallic membrane for corrosion under insulation performance

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is among the major damage mechanisms acting in Oil & Gas processing plants and chemical industries that causes process leaks, and the failures of thermally insulated systems. The hydrocarbon leaks from CUI result in the increased carbon footprint and can even cause catastrophic fires. CUI triggers from inevitable moisture ingress in […]

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Intelligent Autonomous Mobile Robots with Safe Navigation in Dynamic Environment

With the global pandemic effect, the market is experiencing a significant transformation, with robotics to adopt the roles of delivery vehicles and personal assistants. Atlantic Business Express is looking at bring the service robots to Canada, starting in Nova Scotia through working with Dalhousie University. The project is to develop intelligent path planner for mobile […]

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Discovering causal variants controlling ripening period, phenolic content and softening during storage in apple (Malus domestica).

Apples are among Canada’s most valuable fruit crops, and the improvement of apple varieties is crucial for the success of the industry. Breeding apples is expensive and time consuming, requiring decades of investment. A better understanding of the relationship between genetics and fruit traits will allow for more efficient breeding. Current apple breeding techniques make […]

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