Research topics in oil lubrication for aircraft gas turbine engines

All mechanical systems with moving parts face a serious challenge due to the friction phenomena that occurs at the interface of the two relative moving surfaces. The effect of friction which is the slow degradation of the surfaces in contact could be significantly reduced through lubrication. Although a significant number of investigations have been carried […]

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Word Segmentation in Handwritten Documents Using Genetic Programming

Word segmentation in handwritten document is a difficult task because inter-word-spacing (i.e. the space between parts of the same word) is sometimes wider than the intra-word-spacing (i.e. the space between two consecutive words). Many different approaches to segmenting words have been proposed so far. However these segmentation approaches usually use some parameters that are manually […]

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Engineering platinum free nano-structured electro catalysts for hydrogen production by thermal spraying technology

Hydrocarbon-based fuels have been the primary source of energy for mankind for centuries. However, during the last century there has been an exponential increase in the utilization of such fuels and the demand for energy is growing continuously. Hydrocarbon fuels are the primary source of greenhouse emissions which are severely affecting the global climate and […]

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Reflections of a successful career

  Management scholars and practitioners have long recognized that in today’s knowledge economy, an organization’s competitive advantage is determined by how quickly and effectively knowledge can be transferred and shared. The knowledge economy, however, is driven by an aging workforce that is anticipated to retire in record numbers in the coming decade. Despite the impending […]

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Parameter Uncertainty and Model Adequacy for GLMs Applied to Property/Casualty Insurance Data

Accurate forecasting is of crucial importance in managing insurance risks and ensuring a solvent and profitable operation. In recent years the property/Casualty insurance industry has adopted generalized linear models (GLMs) to improve the fit and prediction accuracy of their insurance portfolio models. Yet, the interdependence between the different insurance covers included in packaged products, such […]

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Topic Segmentation for Text Mining on Legal Documents

  Text mining is the process of automatically extracting knowledge from unstructured, natural language documents. It aims to support users in dealing with large amount of textual information. Examples for specific text mining tasks are entity detection, summarization, and opinion mining. Due to the complexity and ambiguity of natural language, this analysis is broken down […]

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Virtual testing platform for design and optimization of cantilever-type sensors

Using a multiphysics approach, the intern will construct a model for the topological optimization of two distinct classes of cantilever-type sensors: one often encountered in the general industrial application and the other one customized for the specific needs of a biosensor. Altair Hyperworks will be the main software tool to be used for this particular […]

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User Interface Research for Stereoscopic 3D Animation System

Janro Imaging Laboratory (JIL) will work with researchers at Concordia and Emily Carr universities to develop 3D motion-tracking based interface tools for drawing and content creation in spatial drawing applications. As a basis for applied design research, researchers will use an alpha version of the “Optical Wand,” a product currently in development at JIL for […]

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Natural Language Processing Services for the Android Mobile Platform

  Smart Phones are fast becoming ever-present personal assistants – personal assistants which become more useful and productive with the inclusion of Natural Language Processing power. For many users, smart phones have become their go-to device for industry news feeds, checking email, and scheduling their agenda. The sheer quantity of text which is read on […]

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Integrated modeling for systematically examining the performance of the Kennedale constructed wetland for a clean Canadian water environment

Constructed wetland is a critical water infrastructure in major Canadian cities like the city of Edmonton, which treats wastewater including storm water by reducing the suspended solids and the related contaminants before entering into receiving waterbody. The design and evaluating the performance of a constructed wetland requires accurate prediction of flow fields and particle pollutants […]

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Strategic safety stock allocation in an assembly supply chain network

The supply chain structure of an engine assembly line consists of several complex flows and processes to satisfy the requirements for on time delivery of these products. The difficulty in managing such systems is due to the fact that more than 1000 parts should be available on time in a synchronized manner to start the […]

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