A Social Welfare Maximization Matching Framework for Supplemental Nurse Staffing

The adequacy of hospital nurse staffing in Canada is essential for the delivery of quality health care to Canadians. In light of permanent nursing staff shortage in most of Canadian hospitals, using of supplemental nurses to bolster permanent nursing staff is widespread. Having suitably qualified staff on duty at the right time is a large […]

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Develop an AI-backed geospatial data collection and analysis platform as a marketable software package

The ubiquity of smartphones and their embedded technologies today can provide transportation agencies with affordable travel survey methods which place less burden on respondents and enables collection of continuous, high quality travel data. Such technologies, however, have not yet made the leap from speciality tools of academia to industry, primarily due to the specificity of […]

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Optimizing return on investment using artificial intelligence: A recommendation system-based solution

The main goal of this project is to develop an artificial intelligence based approach for recommendation to improve Videotron marketing solutions. We aim to focus on improving Vidéotron return on investment (ROI), engaging more users and retaining subscribers using advanced artificial intelligence techniques. The proposed system will be based on a collaborative filtering technique that […]

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Determining the physiological mechanisms behind the ObeEnd device on (1) hormones associated with weight loss and (2) recovery from exercise

In Canada, approximately 1 in 4 adults are living with obesity. Obesity is cause by a complex interplay of genetic, behavioural, and environmental factors that can increase the risk of developing non-communicable diseases such as Type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, asthma, several cancers, and disability in adulthood. Restricting caloric consumption and increasing physical […]

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Flood and drought prediction, simulation, and monitoring for the City of Terrebonne

The increasing frequency of flooding has driven research to improve near real-time flood mapping from remote-sensing data. In Quebec, in the spring of 2017, several regions experienced severe flooding caused by consecutive record-setting rain events during snowsmelt from early April to mi0-d-May. The current project aims to provide real-time monitoring tools not only for flooding […]

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Increasing the Reliability of Design and Production of TMotion

Recent increased enthusiasm towards Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) coupled with developments in smart sensor technologies and advances in communication systems have resulted in simultaneous incorporation of several advanced monitoring and sensing technologies within manufacturing and industrial sectors. In particular, Industrial Artificial Intelligence, referred to as the IAI, is positioning itself as the transformative technology of the […]

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Estimation of Joint Distribution from Marginal Totals with Applications to Database Marketing

In many customer surveys and database marketing applications such as segmentation, profiling and predicting consumers’ choices, the joint distributions of covariates of interests are required. However, for variety of reasons, such as protection of clients’ confidentiality, the data are often available only in marginal frequency distribution format. This makes it difficult to use the covariates […]

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Global Warming Catastrophes Impact on Insurance

Scientists believe that global warming will trigger increasingly more frequent and violent storms, heat waves, flooding, tornadoes and cyclones in some areas of the globe, while other areas will slip into cold or drought. Although the effects of climate change will impact every segment of the business community, the insurance industry is especially at risk. […]

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Building on the Understanding of Business Processes Related to Service Provisioning and Service Assurance at Bell Canada

The main goal of this project will be a key contribution to the implementation of the Six Sigma methodology to the service provisioning and service assurance of Bell’s business customers. Six Sigma is an organized and systematic problem-solving method for strategic system improvement and new product and service development. It relies on statistical methods and […]

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Design of Linear-Phase Mirror-Image Symmetric Filter Banks for Image Compression Coding

The discrete cosine transform (DCT) has widely been used in image and video compression coding. However, the conventional DCT causes severe block artifacts in the compressed image in low-bit-rate coding applications. The block effect is perceived as visible discontinuities cross the block boundaries. Many researchers have proposed other techniques, such as the filter bank approach, […]

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Keywords Detection in Handwritten Documents

The long-term aim of this project is to develop techniques and software for the processing of unconstrained handwritten documents. The short terms goals are 1) the enhancement, “de-noising” and removal of artifacts in degraded digital handwritten document images, 2) text-lines and words segmentation independent of scripts or symbols and 3) identification of a small set […]

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Developing highly sensitive biosensors for MRSA bacterial detection

Nosocomial infection is a growing problem in Canadian hospitals, these bacteria can kill as many as 8,000 patients per year, and the expenses reach at least $100 million annually. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) and methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are among the most common bacteria. For example, C. difficile has killed more than 600 people in […]

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