Compromis entre efficacité énergétique et protection aux pannes dans les « Software Defined Networks ».

Les réseaux de communications, notamment l’Internet, connaissent une importante croissance ses dernières années. Cette croissance s’accompagne d’une complexité grandissante ainsi que d’une consommation énergétique de plus en plus élevée. Les technologies actuellement déployées ne sont pas adaptées pour faciliter l’économie d’énergie sur des réseaux de grandes tailles. La technologie SDN nous offre un meilleur contrôle […]

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Landscapes of Erasure: geographies of absence in Michoacan.

The state of Michoacan in Mexico, where most of the drug war comes from, has a long history of exploitation against indigenous people and the natural resources concentrated in the state. Michoacan’s vast system of forests has been subjected to years of illegal wood trafficking, a fact very well known but little exposed, pushing the […]

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Multi-Axis Experimental Assessment of Prototype suspension for Heavy Commercial Vehicles

Different types of the interconnected suspension systems have been suggested, designed and demonstrated. Although the ample work has been done in the area of interconnected suspension, the work for overcoming or satisfying practical limitations and commercialization of the suspension considering all the space and size constraints is not sufficient. The proposed research work involves In-Lab […]

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Transborder Food Systems: Prospects for Regional Coordination in the Paso Del Norte

This project aims to discover how policies around food security circulate. It seeks to understand what makes certain policies attractive and other not. The relevant literature ackowledges that local territories react differently to projects, because every locality has a unique configuration of actors which influence policy outcomes. Because of the bi-national context of the regional […]

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Accurate Proximity Sensing for Avionic Systems

This project targets the design of a highly accurate proximity sensing system that is capable of operating in a wide distance range under wide variations in temperature and for different sensor characteristics. The system is based on passive inductive proximity sensors that can withstand harsh environments, and, therefore, are widely used in avionic applications. Our […]

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Statistical tools for quality control of aerospace structural parts made by Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) process

Composite materials have been increasingly used in today’s aerospace products such as Bombardier CSeries and Boeing787 airplanes. A widely used composite manufacturing process is Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) utilizing robotics, precision control, and other high tech tools. Quality requirements for aerospace products are at very high level for product safety and performance. Statistical quality control […]

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Development of Integrated Energy and Organic Waste Treatment Model for Rooftop Solar Greenhouse and Grocery Store in a Smart Community

S2E Technologies is a consulting company leading the design and implementation of two Smart communities, to be located in London and Guelph, Ontario. The aim of this research collaboration is to assist S2E with the modeling, design, and analysis of rooftop solar greenhouses integrated with grocery stores, anaerobic digesters and livestock barns. The analysis will […]

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Enhancing service quality in community health care through preference-based scheduling

In this project, the intern will develop an integrated patients and care givers scheduling system for the allocation of health care resources in community health care. This system provides patients with an online preference collecting interface for them to express their preferences on time, location, and care givers when estimating their service costs and booking […]

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Interactive Agent-based eLearning Environment

Mentorina is launching an intelligent learning system that helps teachers observe, measure, and improve each student’s individual performance in the classroom. Teachers can design individualized assignments or exams and through cognitive and metacognitive assessments, they can accurately measure how quickly students are learning the material and can determine each student’s level of comprehension. Through an […]

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Auditing in the cloud, Using OpenStack Congress

In a multi-tenant cloud environment, several tenants share the same physical resources. To ensure security of tenants’ data and process, appropriate security measures should be implemented by the cloud provider at multiple layers. Particularly, appropriate controls for end-to-end network isolation must be put in place. The proposed research project aims at elaborating innovative and efficient […]

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