Intelligent Matching Algorithm Design and Implementation for Internet Big Data

In today’s Big Data era, scientists and businesses owners strive to find accurate real time insights from a large size of various types of data moving at high speed, which has an effect on the human lifestyle and the enterprises productiveness. Advances in Internet and web technologies allow organizations to gather petabytes of structured or […]

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Acute and Chronic Effects of Obesity

Society has a preoccupation with fat. This preoccupation is far-reaching and extends from our concern with body fat to food and agriculture. For example in agriculture, there is a focus is on the amount and type of fat in dairy products and livestock. As a population or individual, we do not want to be too […]

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Fuel efficient air-traffic management (New)

Airline industry has been growing continuously during recent years while airport capacities have been stagnating. Despite the negative impact of September 11 attacks and ongoing global financial turmoil, demand for airline services has been steadily increasing. In most of the major markets including Europe, North America and large part of Asia, since early 90s, both […]

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Studies towards a Nickel-Mediated Decarboxylative Coupling

Organometallic reactions are important in organic synthesis and are versatile in creating new C-C bonds. In the past decade, late-transition-metal catalysis has gained increasing attention culminating in the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry award for three seminal palladium catalyzed reactions. However, the commodity metal nickel is more economical and desirable than the other d10 elements, […]

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Research Chair on Gambling

The Research Chair on Gambling was created at Concordia University in April 2012 (FRQ-SC 2012-2017), its first in Quebec. The Chair provides the research infrastructure on social inequities and lifestyles related to gambling, gaming, and internet use through research, training, and knowledge transfer to partners and collaborators. The main objectives of the Research Chair are […]

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Monitoring and treatment of surface water

There exist few technologies worldwide for the treatment of large areas of polluted salt and freshwaters. It is proposed to develop technology for in situ treatment of lakes, ponds, and rivers. The main objective is to develop a system for the in-situ restoration, management, and control of water quality to reduce incidences of cyanobacteria blooms […]

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Do certain aspects of national culture make corruption more prevalent in some countries?

Corruption is recognized as a major factor hindering the development and advancement of countries where it is prevalent. (By “corruption”, I specifically mean “political corruption”, “the use of powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain” [Wikipedia].) Even where the incidence of corruption is relatively low, corruption when exposed has had dramatic effects, including changes […]

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New Models in Online Science Journalism

A sense of urgency has emerged in the last decade about the future of science journalism. While it is often argued as an important source of information for non-specialists, science journalism has been heavily criticized as unable to connect with citizens in ways that allow meaningful engagement with science. This critique has intensified as diverse […]

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Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Driven Micro Service Architecture for Value Added Video Streaming Services in Content Delivery Networks

The NSERC Strategic Network for Smart Applications on Virtual Infrastructures is a five-year partnership between Canadian industry, universities, researchers, research and education (R&E) networks, and high performance computing centres to investigate the design of future application platforms that will deliver software applications of greater capability and intelligence. These application platforms will be supported by an […]

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Routing and Spectral Assignment in Mesh Optical Networks

The project consists in the design, development and testing of algorithms that can solve the routing and wavelength assignment problem in optical networks, for data instances with up to 100 wavelengths and few hundred nodes. Indeed, for each demand between a source and destination, it consists in determining a route, and assigning it a wavelength […]

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Structural, Vibrations and Aerodynamic Analysis of Composite Trailer Tail System

The proposed project is to develop a design tool box with the cooperation R&D team in Transtex Composite, research fellow and academic supervisor. The design toolbox help the engineers in design department of Transtex Composite to design the trailer tail structure based on finite element analysis to be developed by research fellow. Therefore, this package […]

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