The making of a woman feature filmmaker: Gender and cultural production in a Montreal-based film school

In Canada, women have made significant inroads in television, web series, documentaries, and experimental films. But few women directors and screenwriters participate in big-budget feature film production. This study explores the marginalization of women in the feature film industry through the lens of film production training. As previous studies have shown, film education can shape […]

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Modeling and Measuring Insurance Risks Considering IFRS 17 Framework

The objective of the project is to design a model determining capital requirements associated with property and casualty insurance business lines for an insurer that is compliant with the new IFRS 17 framework (international accounting framework). Several subcomponents of the model will be developed such as a dynamic model embedding dependence for the evolution of […]

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Machine Learning Strategies in the Physical North American Power Markets

Machine learning techniques have been applied to the financial industry for some time. They have allowed large utilities and generators to better forecast their needs, and the prices they will pay, leading to a generally more efficient grid. However, very little research has been done that could benefit power marketers, who do not have a […]

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Flight, energy, and traffic management systems for electric and hybrid aircraft

Leading aircraft manufacturers have gradually turned their attention to the development of all-electric prototype airplanes, some of which have been flown recently. Such is the case of the Airbus E-fan aircraft that in 2015 has crossed the English Channel, completing the 74 kilometer flight from Lydd, England to Calais, France, in about 37 minutes. With […]

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GIS-based Wildfire Catastrophic Risk Economic Capital Modelling

Models used for Wildfire catastrophe insurance as of today are not considering substantial information, such as geographic information and environmental constraints. The objective of the project is to establish a theoretical framework and an empirical process to enhance Aviva Canada’s current Wildfire Economic Capital (EC) model, to be able to determine the amount of capital […]

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Automated Risk Identification in Modular and Offsite Construction

Modular and offsite construction, where a module of project or complete house is manufactured in a factory, requires a large upfront capital (working capital) investment in order to procure materials in advance of manufacturing and to deliver modules on time and on schedule. Thus, modular fabricators need to receive deposit and progress payment before the […]

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Towards Automation of 3D Visualization & Analysis of Workspace Collisions on Construction Jobsites

Workspace Interferences/Collisions happen on construction jobsites when multiple resources (labor, equipment, material, etc.) don’t have enough space to coexist at the same time and will interfere with each other’s operations. These interferences affect performance, delaying the project, impacting cost, and may jeopardize the buildings’ integrity and people’s safety on site. Most of existing models simulate […]

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Electro-bioreactor (EBR) upgrading for high ammonium removal

The objective of this project is to build up an electro-biological system of high potential capacity for the removal of ammonium and phosphorus. Conventional biological treatment methods have limited capacity for removal of ammonia at higher concentrations. However, anammox bacteria have a high capacity to remove ammonium. The electro-biological treatment aims to enhance this capacity […]

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Improving hygrothermal modeling as design tools using field measurements to achieve durable and energy efficient wood structures

Computer-based simulation software, called hygrothermal modeling has become increasingly popular and useful to predict and evaluate heat, air, vapour, and water-related performance of buildings. This research project aims to improve such modelling for wood construction through validation using specifically measured property data and field/lab performance data. The goal is to make modelling a more reliable […]

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Handheld Histories: Collecting, Modding, and Playing the Portable Platform

Thirty years after its landmark 1989 release, Nintendo?s Game Boy and its long line of successors continue to capture the imagination of thousands of players who harbor a nostalgic attraction to the technologies of their youth. Montreal-based Retro Modding has developed a profitable business modifying (or ?modding?) old video game handhelds and selling them alongside […]

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Data driven energy efficient base station sleep control for 5G systems

The objective of this project is to develop a software system which can optimally control the base station sleep states in 5G networks to save energy. The 5G wireless networks are required to be green and yield very low carbon dioxide emissions. Compared with that of 4G wireless networks, the power efficiency of 5G is […]

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Transparent and Trustworthy Deep Feature Learning for Cyber-Physical System Security

The latest artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have effectively leveraged the wealth of data from cyber-physical systems (CPSs) to automate intelligent decisions. However, for safety-critical CPS like smart grids and smart cities, the conversion of massive data into actionable information by the AI must be not only effective but also reliable. To this end, this project […]

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