Glass micro-machining by glow discharge electrolysis

Beside silicon, glass is the most important material used in the constantly growing field of micro-devices. Several applications need glass because of its unique properties: chemical resistance, transparency, low electrical and thermal conductivity, and biocompatibility. Some of these devices are: micro-accelerometers, micro-reactors, micro-pumps, and medical devices. The limiting factor for increasing the usage of glass […]

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Energy efficient integrated design of flight management systems and autopilots

The amount of emissions to the atmosphere is currently an important environmental concern as policy makers and Heads of State are starting to demonstrate a strong interest in energy efficient transportation, in particular energy efficient aircraft. However, current autopilot technology will often not take into account the energy used to perform a given maneuver which […]

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Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridges using GPR Technology

Bridge Management Systems (BMSs) are being used worldwide by transportation agencies as a means to effectively manage the stocks of existing bridges. Quebec Ministry of Transportation (MTQ) own and maintain a huge inventory of over 9,600 bridges, i.e. provincial: 5,300 and municipal: 4,300 bridges. MTQ uses visual inspection, which is always subjective to operators’ technique, […]

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lnfluence of odour presentation on panelist response variability

Olfactometry is the science of using human subjects to measure odours without bias, as no instrument yet can replace the human nose. Recently, the method presenting odours to panellists has been identified as a potential element affecting response and measurement variability. Furthermore, the sensitivity of electronic noses also developed to measure odours remains an issue. […]

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Modeling and analysis of Inertial filter for Engine exhaust applications

The scope of this project is to model and analyze inertial filters used by combustion engines to facilitate exhaust gas recirculation acting as coarse filtration units. This would help to reduce environmental pollution caused by heavy duty diesel engines. By using Finite Element Analysis model to investigate, the design will incorporate the best ratio among […]

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Provision and Exploitation of Biosolids in Quebec

The project consists of a study on the disposal and upgrading of dried and dehydrated sludges from  the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater. The study would be limited to the province of Quebec. As a specialist in the treatment of wastewater, Degremont supplies high performance technologies for the dehydration and drying of wastewater treatment […]

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Optimal Placement of Fault Circuit Indicator to Improve the Reliability of Distribution Systems using CYME Reliability Module

Within the past decades, there has been a significant growth in the electric power systems that have resulted in a large increase in the development of transmission and distribution lines. Distribution system is the final connection between the utility provider and the customers and constitutes a major component of the power system. However, since most […]

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Transition towards an automated and centralized staff scheduling system

The project includes the integration of a new software for crew scheduling at ViaRail, which will make uniform the crew scheduling rules. Crew scheduling is currently distributed over 5 geographical centers at ViaRail, with each center producing schedules independently. Consequently, the project will include three phases: collecting the current practices for crew scheduling in the […]

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Enhancement of Turbulence Models for Airframe Flow Simulations

The numerical simulation of turbulent flows is an important component in the process of the aircraft aerodynamic design and development. The computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers used for predicting the aerodynamic forces and moments should be capable of accurately predicting turbulence effects. Such accuracy is crucial to efficiently design aircrafts with improved quality and performance. […]

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