Understanding Organizational Routine Evolution and Change in Healthcare: The case of CPOE Use at The Ottawa Hospital

The Ottawa Hospital is implementing a new information technology application system, or Clinical Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system. The students will model and study all aspects of the operational routines that are affected by the technology introduction and investigate how these routines evolve and change through simulation modeling. Examining the process of changing organizational routines […]

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Low-Power Signal Processing Algorithms for an Athletic Performance Monitor

GestureLogic is building a product that optimizes athletic performance. The product is a wearable sensory network that monitors muscle activity. The goal of this research is to take this inherently complex muscle data that is acquired by the sensory network and translate it to useful biometrics for the consumer with the help of intelligent algorithms. […]

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The Communicative Challenges and Implications of Quantum Computing Renewal

The industry partner 1QBit has access to a processor that uses an adiabatic annealing technique to address a special class of optimization problems for initial application in finance. Optimization problems have a long and broad relevance to challenges faced in the financial sector. The prospect of quantum annealing as a way to innovate in solving […]

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Textile Sensor Development for an EMG muscle activity monitoring system

GestureLogic is building a product that optimizes athletic performance. The product is a wearable sensory network that monitors muscle activity. The goal of this research is to take this inherently complex muscle data that is acquired by the sensory network and translate it to useful biometrics for the consumer with the help of intelligent algorithms. […]

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Research Study into Impact of E-mail on Employees

The proposed research to be undertaken is an investigation into the relationship between electronic communication (E-mail, text messages, and Instant Messages) and key employee/employer outcomes (Employee outcomes include: work-life conflict, perceived stress, depressed mood, and anxiety; Employer outcomes include: engagement, work-role overload, job satisfaction, and work related stress. The research may also look at scales […]

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Fiber-optic based point of care genetic testing device

Point-of-Care DNA tests have grown in importance throughout recent years. Incorporation of devices in patient beside treatment requires fast turn-around times for results as well as economic feasibility. Spartan Bioscience, a local biotechnology company, has developed a technology that can detect abnormalities in a person’s DNA. In an effort to develop next generation technology, Spartan […]

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Implementing A Community Model of Policing: A Case Study of Change

Over the past several years, serious concern has emerged in many Western nations over the future and sustainability of public policing. The situation in Canada is no different. Key stakeholders in the Canadian policing community have expressed serious concern about the sustainability of policing. A model of public policing has emerged in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan […]

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Use of 3-D Virtual Reality Displays while in Flight: The Effects of Vestibular-Ocular Mismatch on Situation Awareness – Year Two

This PDF will further our understanding of how augmented reality, an emerging technology, can improve collaborative situation awareness. In particular, this project will investigate the best ways for information to be shared when two or more individuals each use an augmented reality device. For example, in maritime environments there is always the risk of man-overboard […]

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Rapid Operations Planning for Space Robotics Using Machine Learning

Few things in space flight are routine. Before each time MDA operates the International Space Station’s famous Canadarm2, thousands of simulations must be performed to ensure the success and safety of the operation. This research intends to streamline the process of operations planning for Canadarm2 by using machine learning to predict key outputs from these […]

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