Dreamcatcher Informatics: a Web-based and Mobile Information System to Support Land Management, Consultation, and the Preservation of History, Culture and Traditional Ecological Knowledge

The two goals of this project are to: 1. create a demonstration information system based on an existing system called Dreamcatcher for consultation, land-use, occupancy, and planning based on the archival material of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation (MNCFN); and 2. use this system and First Story to preserve and promote Aboriginal […]

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Choices and consequences: a multiple method research to supporting better decision making and implementation

The proposed research seeks to investigate four ways to support sound decision making and sustainable development by: 1. developing an integrated approach to planning using a combination of scenario creation and structured decision making (SDM); 2. testing methodological improvements to SDM by increasing our understanding of how to measure values and preferences; 3. examining how […]

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Estuarine reliance of juvenile salmonids in the Skeena River

Research on salmon in the Skeena River estuary in 2007 and 2013 quantified the abundance of different species of salmon in different locations of the estuary over time. These results indicate that the region where industrial development is proposed contained the highest abundances of Chinook and sockeye in both years surveyed, and coho in 2007. […]

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The Evaluation of Risk and Return for Community Impact Investments

The ‘Evaluating Risk and Return for Community Impact Investments’ projects seeks to engage one masters level student intern for one semester to work with the partners in designing a new evaluation tool or framework for the risk and return of community impact investments. The intern will gain an understanding of the investment policies and risk […]

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Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment: Connecting Impact with Policy Intent

The Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment: Connecting Impact with Policy Intent project seeks to conduct a sustainability assessment of the UniverCity neighbourhood on Burnaby Mountain. The Community Capital NSA tool will be used to evaluate how well the UniverCity neighbourhood is meeting its vision of being a model sustainable complete community. Results will be subjected to a […]

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Sustainability & Environmental Management in a Private Sector Seafood Company

Clearwater Seafoods Ltd. Partnership (Clearwater) is a global seafood company concerned with the long-term sustainability of marine resources. A number of Clearwater’s products are MSC certified. This is a voluntary program which involves verifying that the rigorous standards outlined in the federal fisheries regulations are being followed. Annual audits are conducted to ensure they are […]

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LiDAR derived wood quality attributes across the landscape

The proposed research will create value added models that will be used to predict wood quality attributes (wood density and fibre dimensions) on the landscape within Ontario’s boreal forest. This will be achieved by modeling stem and stand attributes from airborne laser scanner data (LiDAR). The derived stems and stand attributes (such as tree height, […]

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The Effects Of Road Reclamation Method On Woodland Caribou And Other Boreal Species

This study will examine the relationship between reclamation methods and when deactivated roads become suitable for caribou, using developing UAV technology to monitor caribou while testing UAV effectiveness in the field. This will be done by establishing long-term cameras along reclaimed road sites, monitoring wildlife movement through the study areas and by completing aerial wildlife […]

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Passerine migration and stopover across an urban gradient

To develop ‘green’ cities and to assess environmental impacts in cities, it is essential to understand the spatial distribution of sensitive species, such as migrating birds. Migration is a costly and dangerous time for songbirds, with up to 80% mortality during their first migration. As migratory birds are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Act, […]

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