A preclinical study evaluating INOLIFE’s needle-free injection system (INOJEX) with cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of neuropathic pain and associated anxiety-depressive symptoms in rats.

Chronic neuropathic pain affects millions of Canadians for which the government spends ~$6 billion a year on treatment. It is therefore imperative to find new therapies with few side effects and high therapeutic efficacy. This study will examine the therapeutic properties of cannabidiol (CBD), which is a non-intoxicating component of cannabis. Studies have shown that […]

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Development of a cricket growth accelerant

The major goal of this project is to develop a method to improve the production efficiency of cricket farming in the partner organization. Cricket farming has a potential to support the growing global population by serving as a rich source of animal protein. Many start-up companies are emerging, but the limited knowledge and experience in […]

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The Scleroderma Support group Leader EDucation (SSLED) Program

Many people with the rare autoimmune disease scleroderma rely on support groups to cope with their illness. For many scleroderma patients, however, support groups are not available in their area or cannot be sustained. To address this problem, the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) and Scleroderma Canada developed a videoconference-based training program for scleroderma patient […]

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An Evaluation of the Reliability of Forensic Case Formulation in the Risk Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV), also known as spousal assault and domestic violence, is the most common form of violence experienced by women worldwide. Fortunately, IPV risk assessment tools, training, and practices have improved immensely over the last 20 years. One of the areas that can still be improved is training those using violence risk assessments […]

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Identifying and managing under-performing employees’ motivational barriers: Organizational factors, personality derailers, and mental health problems.

One of the most complained about behaviours of employees in organizations is the problem of their lack of motivation or demotivation. The current literature on work motivation is mainly focused on organizational factors that lead to motivation (e.g., job autonomy). Unfortunately, other important contributors such as negative personality traits and mental health issues have not […]

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From incubator to money maker: An investigation of entrepreneurial founding teams

The current project seeks to develop an understanding of the process of startup organization process by examining the individual, team, and contextual characteristics that will lead to the success of a startup organization. Despite the importance of each variable, most of the literature has focused on individual characteristics, ignoring the importance of the team as […]

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Going On-line with Cognitive Rehabilitation: Testing and Implementing Web-based Goal Management Training at Clinical and Commercial Levels

Goal Management Training® (GMT) is a Baycrest cognitive intervention that has been studied extensively, applied clinically, and manualized into kits for clinicians that have been commercially available since 2012. GMT targets executive functions, a collection of higher-level abilities involved in planning, organization, strategy, and inhibition. Executive impairment can be seen in normal aging as well […]

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Phase 1 of Enhanced Measurement-Based Care Effectiveness for Depression (EMBED): A Canada-China Implementation Project (Salary Support for Postdoctoral Research Fellow) – Year two

EMBED (Enhanced Measurement-Based Care Effectiveness for Depression) is a multistage collaboration between mental health researchers and advocates based in Canada, China, USA, and Australia. Jointly funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, this 5-year program is the first major research initiative of the APEC Digital Hub […]

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“Virtually” connected: Can virtual reality technology foster closeness and intimacy in romantic relationships?

Social connections, especially satisfying romantic relationships, are vital for health and well-being. Yet, couples are spending increasingly more time apart, limiting opportunities for connection and intimacy. However, engaging in shared novel activities (i.e. self-expanding activities) can help couples connect and maintain their relationship over time. Indeed, couples who experience more self-expanding opportunities in relationships feel […]

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Assessment of the “Pathway to Resilience” program

The purpose of this research is to develop an assessment for the”Pathway to Resilience” program. The “Pathway to Resilience” program is a resilience training program for employees developed by Air Institute. The assessment created during this internship will be used to assess the program’s effectiveness. This assessment will be used to guide organizational reports delivered to client organizations […]

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An investigation into the motivations of individuals who volunteer and work at charitable and not-for-profit organizations

The goals of this research proposal, therefore, are to: 1) conduct a publishable review of the psychological literature to further understand the motivations of the unique group of individuals who choose to volunteer or work with charitable or not-for-profit organizations; and 2) develop an employee survey that will provide further insight into the motivations of […]

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Understanding Disengagement from Early Psychosis Intervention Services

While the effectiveness of early psychosis interventions (EPI) for young people with first-episode psychosis has been well-established, research suggests that almost one-third of patients disengage from services. Although lack of family involvement and substance use have arisen as consistent factors associated with EPI disengagement, many other factors remain unexplored. Furthermore, few studies have explored patient […]

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