Digital Media Project: Affecting attention and emotion in a digital world

Human history is punctuated by new innovations that reshape the way people interact and process information, (e.g., the telegraph, the telephone, radio and TV). We are in the midst of a digital revolution, and old theories and methods for understanding and shaping the way people process information are woefully inadequate. This is evident both in […]

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Investigating how user interfaces impact scalable network displays

IOT technology is a brand new, and rapidly growing field. Currently, there are no best practices published in the design of real-time, dynamic network displays. Our project focuses on developing and testing new business processes, user personas, and design-guidelines associated with these types of displays in a real-world environment. The findings from this work will […]

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The Functional Resilience Question-AIR: Validation of an assessment tool designed to measure employee resilience

The purpose of this research is to validate the Functional Resilience Question-Air (FRQ; Kinley, 2016), an assessment tool based on scientific principles that use the latest research on resilience and neuroplasticity. Specifically, the Functional Resilience Question-Air identifies employees’ personal strengths, providing them with a global resilience score as well as a personalized development plan. Designed […]

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Characterizing topography of signal fidelity in a low-cost fNIRS device

High-performance athletes have learned that even after they have exhausted their bodies during training, they can continue to train their minds for an extra edge. Imagining your sport engages many of the same brain areas used to actually play your sport, and it has been shown that such mental practice can improve sport performance. However, […]

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Evaluating the impact of an educational arts program on adolescent socio-emotional and academic growth among inner-city, high needs schools

Capturing the impact of program performance on adolescent outcomes is an important way to understand the ways in which a program has best provided its services for optimal outcome success. However, there is limited literature on valid measurement of program success among arts-based educational programs. The project will undertake an outcome evaluation, which focuses on […]

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Healthy Brains, Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies: Exploration of experiential technology (Xtech) to support physical and mental health in older adults

Canada’s population is aging rapidly and faces several challenges with their physical and mental health. At the same time, portable technology and wireless Internet access stand to revolutionize how Canadians manage their own health and interact with the healthcare system. Here, we will identify ways in which Canadians can use technology to proactively manage and […]

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Fostering Corporate Productivity through Creativity and Intuition

Research shows that many business employees are disengaged with their work, leading to numerous negative outcomes such as reduced productivity and burnout. The use of creativity and intuition have been suggested as two potential avenues for resolving these issues. However, there is a lack of direction for how these concepts can be practically applied in […]

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Validation of novel neurofeedback training engine for improving brain health in aging and neurodevelopmental disorders

Memory impairment is the most common cognitive complaint among older adults. On the other side of the developmental spectrum, young adults that have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have difficulty adapting flexibly to changing social circumstances. These memory and social deficits disrupt every day living. At present, promising interventions based on research using […]

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Evaluation of EAAA Train the Trainer Workshop and Study of Recruitment Strategies

The intern will analyze pre- and post-training survey and interview data from the SARE Centre’s EAAA Train the Trainer workshops in order to improve the quality of this training. These surveys/interviews assess trainees’ previous experience, skills, knowledge, and confidence in relevant areas as indicators of the workshop’s effectiveness. The intern will also conduct exploratory research […]

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Predicting real-world attention with physiology

It is estimated that the average person spends up to 50% of their waking hours thinking about things other than what they are presently doing (i.e., mind wandering). This internal form of distraction along with its external counterpart (i.e., external distraction) are associated with performance deficits during everyday activities, such as reading or driving. Moreover, […]

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Reducing homelessness using direct cash transfers and motivational interventions

This project aims to examine the effect of unconditional direct cash-transfers to recently homeless individuals in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We will conduct a randomized controlled trial to distribute a one-time unconditional $7,500 cash lump sum to 50 recently homeless individuals from shelters in Vancouver. We will also provide a supplementary motivational training for half of […]

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Cognitive and well-being impacts of tunable LED lighting in secondary school students

The current project aims to examine how tunable LED lighting influences productivity and well-being in students at the Port Coquitlam’s Riverside secondary school. The project aims to identify the optimal lighting conditions in order to maximize productivity and well-being in healthy students as well as students with special needs. We hypothesize that the tunable LED […]

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