Development of Applications of Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Funded through a series of NSERC partnership grants, Cubresa Inc. have been working with the applicants to develop technologies for pre-clinical imaging for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and PET friendly radiofrequency (RF) coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of small animals. To date, our collaboration has played a direct role in Cubresa being the […]

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Graphics Processing Unit Solutions for Power Systems Computer Aided Design: Collaborative Exploration with the University of Winnipeg

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are usually employed to quickly render images on everyday computer screens, and do so quickly and efficiently for relatively little cost. Modern GPUs are able to do hundreds or thousands of simultaneous calculations; rewriting conventional computer problems in the language of GPUs offers the potential to dramatically decrease the computing time […]

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Position sensitive detector density well logging tool development

In well-logging industry, gamma-ray density logging is an indispensable method to determine formations’ lithology and porosity. This research proposal under the support of Mitacs and Rimpac Advanced Technology Development Ltd. aims at developing a high-resolution density well logging tool which is expected to achieve higher precision and better vertical resolution of formation density measurement. This […]

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Exploring surface nanoscale axial photonics resonators for ultrahigh-resolution optical gyroscope applications

We will fabricate cylindrical glass microstructures that keep light traveling in circles for a very long time. The circular trajectory of the confined light changes very sensitively due to rotational motion of the cylinders, and these changes can be measured by detecting angular velocity. Therefore, the project aims at developing these cylinders that allow light […]

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Lake Melville Oceanography Study

The research will establish a hydrodynamic numerical model of the forces which exert influences on the circulation and the residence time (amount of time water spends in a given body of water) of Lake Melville, Labrador. The study seeks to understand the water properties in the lake, and how the development of nearby hydroelectric projects […]

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Quantum Resources Required for GKP Qubits

Qubits are fundamental units for quantum computation. Photonics is a promising physical medium to realize large-scale quantum computation. One proposal to realize photonic qubits was proposed by Gottesman, Kitaev and Preskill (GKP). Here, the logical qubit is encoded into states of a bosonic mode or a quantum harmonic oscillator. It is expected that such a […]

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Optimizing heuristics for spin-glass problems for diverse solutions

Optimization problems, such as finding the shortest or fastest path to a destination are ubiquitous in industry. Hower, for some industrial applications it may be desirable to have a set of few diverse, yet nearly optimal solutions. The goal of this project is to create new optimization problem solvers that focus on both quality and […]

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Development of a Borehole Muon Detector for Muon Tomography – Year two

CRM Geotomography Technologies (CRM) has developed detectors that are able to measure cosmic ray muon particles underground. By measuring the rate at which these particles pass through the detectors, it is possible to reconstruct a three-dimensional map of the density of the earth’s subsurface above the detectors. This technique is called muon tomography. CRM’s detectors […]

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Improvement of an all-on-chip assay for studying cell migration

Cell migration assays (CMA) are fundamental cellular functional tests that are routinely performed in many areas of cell research such as tissue development, wound healing, cancer metastasis and immune response. We have developed a prototype microfluidic all-on-chip CMA that allows rapid immune cell migration assay tested directly from one drop of whole blood. This chip […]

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Measuring entanglement in quantum magnetic systems with strong long-range correlations

D-Wave systems purports to have designed a quantum processor based on scalable architecture that physically implements quantum annealing, an algorithm that can be used to solve a wide variety of optimization problems. In order for D-Wave devices to exhibit a performance advantage over classical processors, it is necessary that the devices utilize a resource that […]

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