Smart Dashboard for Sustainable Destination Decision Making

Destinations have quickly become victims of their own success. Destination Management Organisations (DMO’s) worldwide are making a much needed shift towards the inclusion of management alongside their marketing priorities for destination management, but are often ill equipped. There is a current gap in the marketplace for useful, comprehensive and user-friendly tools to assist them. This […]

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Novel mechanisms and anti-platelet therapies of COVID-19-associated thrombosis

COVID-19 patients have a higher incidence of thrombotic events. Increased hypercoagulability was found in severe COVID-19 patients, but the mechanism of how SARS-CoV-2 virus affect our blood coagulation system is not fully understood. Platelet activation and blood coagulation are complementary, mutually dependent processes in haemostasis and thrombosis. Platelet contains large amount of integrin ?IIb?3 on […]

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Developing a lipid nanoparticle-based gene therapy approach for the treatment and prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection

The current global health emergency surrounding the coronavirus outbreak highlights the need for new treatments to combat virus infections and ways to prevent similar outbreaks in the future. Our research team has devised novel strategies to develop an effective vaccine and anti-viral drugs to treat and prevent infections by such viruses. This grant application is […]

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An essential resource: Policy and planning for single-room occupancy housing

Despite the stigma attached to single-room occupancy (SRO) housing, it can provide good quality, low-cost housing. However, the high cost of upgrading to meet zoning and other regulations, and the low rents that tenants can afford, make it difficult to manage and maintain. As a result, SRO housing is always at risk of gentrification and […]

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COVID-19 and Bridging the Social and Physical Gap: Dynamic Digital Resources to Meet the Mental Health Support Needs of Children, Youth, and Families

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us with social isolation, financial uncertainty, and daily life disruptions. Parents and children may be uniquely impacted as parents attempt to navigate the stressors of working from home, caring for children, and, potentially, caring for their elderly parents and other family members. Children and youth, in turn, are influenced by […]

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AI-enhanced lung ultrasound to detect lung involvement in COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus causing the current pandemic leads to severe illness and death when it involves the lungs. This occurs in a way that conventional X-Rays often cannot show. Experience in other countries and with a similar condition known as ARDS suggests that lung ultrasound can accurately detect COVID-19 lung involvement. Lung ultrasound is harmless […]

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Detection of PPE in healthcare settings using machine learning

We propose utilizing real-time image detection of humans (visitors and healthcare workers) using personal protective equipment (I.e. masks, gloves, and gowns) in healthcare settings. This system would ensure proper compliance of PPE use to reduce the transmission COVID and other healthcare based infections, thereby saving lives, reducing hospital stays and costs. This builds off literature […]

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Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic challenges for families with children impacted by Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Citizen Advocacy Ottawa (CAO) is a non-profit organization supporting families with children impacted by Neurodevelopmental Disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges to families already strained by the complexity of caregiving for these children. Many issues have been identified such as caregiver burnout, social isolation, […]

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Understanding and reducing the impacts of COVID-19 on personal support workers in an Ontario long-term care home

The impact of COVID-19 on long-term care, a sector previously struggling with critical challenges of recruitment and retention, has been devastating. The core working group, personal support workers, has been particularly impacted. Studies with other providers such as nurses have demonstrated stress and burnout during past pandemics as well as the negative influences on staff […]

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Building the Evaluation Capacity of the Alberta Mentoring Partnership

This Mitacs project will support the Alberta Mentoring Partnership in building evaluation capacity across the province of Alberta for their affiliated organizations. The Mitacs intern will engage AMP decision makers in the development of the project, the creation and delivery of two online evaluation capacity workshops for mentoring organizations, the development and delivery of a […]

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Open innovation in Ontario healthcare facilities: an analysis of two different approaches

This project will use mixed research methods to investigate the models used to support innovation in Ontario’s healthcare facilities. The research will improve our understanding of how, and why healthcare organizations can participate in more open innovation processes. Such approaches have been shown to improve the breadth and quality of new products and service development, […]

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