Targeting Semaphorin 3C in Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men and a major cause of cancer deaths. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the first-line therapy for metastatic prostate cancer but invariable the cancer regrows despite the androgen deprivation – this regrowth is termed castrate resistant prostate cancer. We have discovered that expression of a specific gene […]

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Development and Commercialization of Photoresponsive Red-Shifted Gene-Silencing Agents

We have a technology that can potentially inactivate a class of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical side-effects can have a detrimental effect on the health and wellbeing of individuals. Pharmaceutical companies can suffer significant monetary loss when drug candidates do not pass clinical trials. Given that the pharmaceutical industry is a multibillion-dollar industry, we believe there is significant […]

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Analysis of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Text Conversations collected during a pandemic and the adaptation of TxtSquad’s Technology Platform for Community-based organizations and small businesses

Txt Squad’s mission is to help medium-to-large companies sell and service their products through text messaging which results in saved time, improved customer experience and increased sales. A company can manage their customer service communications with TxtSquad using a team-based approach with rich cell phone text functionality that connects them directly to customers, bypassing emails […]

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Urban Indigenous Housing in BC: Means of and barriers to addressing Indigenous housing need in municipal housing policies and plans

This study aims to understand how municipalities in British Columbia (BC) address urban Indigenous housing need within their Official Community Plans and housing strategies by reviewing a sample of plans and strategies from throughout BC and interviewing municipal planning staff. For AHMA, the Umbrella Organization of Indigenous Housing Providers in BC, this research is necessary […]

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Advanced Analytics for Diesel Flash Point Inferential

Diesel flash point is an extremely important indicator of the quality of diesel products. In order to achieve great quality control, the diesel flash point must be strictly tested and controlled, but this important indicator is difficult to measure due to technical or economic limitations. As an effective solution, data-driven inferential sensors provide stable and […]

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Biomarkers of susceptibility for COVID-19 in wastewater for the purpose of epidemic forecastin

This project proposes for Ontario a transformative approach for identification and surveillance of COVID-19 and prediction of COVID-19 outbreaks based on wastewater-based community-testing epidemiology. WE will identify and measure SARS-CoV-2 RNA and molecular biomarkers of health excreted by populations and use modelling to predict the special-temporal occurrence of emerging outbreaks in sewage wastewaters. Our team […]

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Investigating strategies for optimizing immunity to COVID-19: examining the impact of probiotic lactic acid bacteria-derived secretomes on epithelial cell and macrophage immune activity

Strategies to promote immune defences against COVID-19 infection are urgently needed. The gastrointestinal tract is a potentially important route for COVID-19 infection and for generating protective anti-viral immunity against this pathogen. Certain features of COVID-19 contribute to its ability to evade and subvert our immune defences. Type I interferon is a key immune protein that […]

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Youth Employment & Education and the COVID-19 Impact

The proposed project consists of a literature review and jurisdictional scan. We are seeking to understand the past and current literature on youth economic engagement, labour market engagement, post-secondary and training strategies and research, social wellbeing, and specific vulnerabilities for youth when engaging in the labour market. CFY will use this research to shape strategic […]

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