IN_SITU: A research study to evaluate & address the digital challenge of Co-Creation between the Arts and Artificial Intelligence

IN_SITU is a research study that investigates the possibilities and challenges of connection and bridge-building between Canadian arts sectors and the most advanced academic research centres dealing with Artificial Intelligence in Canada and beyond. The study will explore how artists and artistic organizations can augment their digital strategies, literacy and intelligence when artists co-create with […]

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Evaluate the biodistribution of HyperMabs protein biologics therapeutics

HyperMabs is a biopharmaceutical company that designs and develops innovative therapeutics targeting lung diseases. HyperMabs is currently evaluating a drug candidate developed using in-silico methods to target lung disease. For this project, we aim to study the biodistribution of HyperMabs therapeutic, currently in its pre-clinical stage designed to treat several lung diseases. To achieve this, […]

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Evaluating the impacts and acceptability of a fresh food prescription program on health, food security, and social connectivity in Guelph, Ontario: A quasi-experimental study

Food security is a serious public health concern in the Guelph region, with prevalence of food insecurity surpassing the provincial and national averages. There is a need for community-based interventions to support individuals and families struggling with food insecurity and related poor nutrition and health. The proposed research aims to evaluate the impacts and acceptability […]

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Efficacy of end-to-end digitizited eye movement therapy for trauma desensitization, on Savyn’s app for treating PTSD symptoms

One of ten Canadians will experience trauma at least once in their lives and will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many people cannot access PTSD care because of the high cost, long-waiting time, stigma and other barriers etc. Amygdala (deep brain) is important to traumatic emotions and memories. One way to access these memories is […]

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Mitigating goose herbivory at Westham Island tidal marsh.

Tidal marshes are essential ecosystems both economically and ecologically. They provide many natural resources, such as filtering pollutants from water and providing flood protection. However, since the 1980s, we have lost about 80% of the world’s wetlands including many tidal marshes. This internship aims to identify the role of goose herbivory on marsh vegetation as […]

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Role and regulation of ovarian stem cells during follicular development and dysregulation in PCOS

The polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a multi-factorial heterogeneous syndrome with complex pathologies, affects up to 10% of women of reproductive age and accounts for 75% of anovulatory infertility. The annual costs of PCOS and associated infertility in Canada are staggering and are estimated to be $450M. Tissue-residing stem cells play important roles in the regulation […]

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QUOREM: A data science platform for microbiology research

In the genomics era, microbiologists are collecting data at an accelerating pace. We have created a data science platform called QUOREM that significantly reduces the technical burden experienced by microbial ecologists associated with managing ever-increasing quantities of data. We believe that public and private research groups in Canada could benefit our platform, and the ability […]

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Improving Conductivity and Waterproof Ability of Solar Tile Connectors

The project is to enhance the stability of the detachable solar tile panel connector in terms of conductivity and waterproof ability. The student will investigate other applications such as solar tiles for roof mounted applications and the current designs and prototypes developed by Square Solar. They will also develop a set of design requirements that […]

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