Star Salvager: A Remote Games User Research Toolkit for Small Teams

As Games User Research (GUR) becomes a mature and essential pillar of game development, the challenges of performing rigorous qualitative and quantitative research in small teams are exacerbated by the disruption caused by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Research methods such as heuristic evaluation, think-aloud usability testing, initial experience testing, playthrough observation, and post-launch data analysis […]

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Evaluation of a Blockchain-Based Identity Management System: An Exploratory Multiple Case Study Approach

This research project will suggest guidelines that can be used by practitioners to formally represent the business benefits of blockchain. The business benefits focused on in this study are the increased financial value and the improved productivity. Formal methods will be applied to communicate these business benefits in unambiguous ways. Specifically, financial methods will be […]

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InterGenNS [Intergenerational North Shore] Project: An Inclusive Vision for Facilitating and Sustaining Intergenerational Community Building Strategies

In response to the vast amount of interest in the North Shore pertaining to intergenerational initiatives, this project seeks to bridge community agencies academic research to provide tangible tools and resources to broaden the awareness of activities connecting different generations in the North Shore to actively contribute to reducing social isolation and loneliness, while enhancing […]

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Smart Dashboard for Sustainable Destination Decision Making Part 2

Destinations have quickly become victims of their own success. Destination Management Organisations (DMO’s) worldwide are making a much needed shift towards the inclusion of management alongside their marketing priorities for destination management, but are often ill equipped. There is a current gap in the marketplace for useful, comprehensive and user-friendly tools to assist them. This […]

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Digital Readiness: An Evaluation of Rural Broadband Models in British Columbia

Connectivity is a critical service, a foundational need to actively participate in the economy and society. However, rural communities in British Columbia (BC) continue to face challenges with connectivity. The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on this digital divide, demonstrating the inequities resulting from connectivity challenges. Across rural BC, local governments have been increasingly […]

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Advancing Fatigue Risk Mitigation with EEG Fatigue-Detection: A Field Study

Fatigue has been acknowledged as a priority issue in human factors contributing to injury in most industries. Of significant concern are drivers operating haulage equipment in the mining industry, who are exposed to monotonous working conditions. This risk exposure might be mitigated if fatigue can be detected and managed. Recent advancements in wearable technologies proport […]

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Who’s at the Top? How racialized female newcomers ascend to top management teams

our overall objective is to explain the process by which FRNs move beyond attaining starter jobs to advancing into senior leadership positions. Employment within a top management team means newcomers are likely to make a strategic impact on business. We focus on the Greater Vancouver area to leverage earlier research conducted in the Greater Toronto […]

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Investing in Recovery: Strengthening Employer and Policy Roles in Labour Market Integration of Canada’s Immigrant Women in STEM

The goal of our project titled Investing in Recovery: Strengthening Employer and Policy Roles in Labour Market Integration of Canada’s Immigrant Women in STEM will be to produce new research rooted in a power analysis around the specific challenges that Canada’s immigrant women in STEM face, including the perspective of STEM employers on the opportunity […]

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How to set up effective incentivization to scale open banking usage in Canada

When making purchases or carrying out daily banking tasks, consumers (individuals and small businesses) generate a stream of information based on their transactions. This financial transaction data is currently held and controlled by individual financial institutions. Open banking is a framework where consumers and businesses can authorize third party financial service providers to access their […]

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Assessment of soil quality and mycorrihzal communities and their relationship to the recovery of forest plant communities after wildfire in interior British Columbia

In collaboration with the Nadleh Whut’en and Stellat’en First Nations and SERNbc, researchers from the University of Northern British Columbia will look at the effects of wildfire on soil quality and mycorrhizal fungi abundance. Soil quality will be evaluated on the ability to promote plant growth by assessing available nutrients, soil texture and other physical […]

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Opportunities for Sino-Canadian Collaboration in Global Health Governance and Multilateral Pandemic Response

The coronavirus pandemic has elevated global health governance from a “low politics” position in foreign policy practice to an economic and security priority of international importance. Conventional foreign policy approaches to pandemic management have proven ineffective in the time of Covid-19, as states struggle to fulfil public health obligations in an increasingly globalized world. Canada’s […]

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Trusted Records in TAPESTRY Approach

New America’s Future of Property Rights program aims to create a solution for people all over the world to achieve their basic human right “to own, rent, or otherwise occupy property” (Panfil & Mellon, 2019). What is denying a large part of populations their basic human right is the “lack of proper documents” (Panfil & […]

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