Indigenous Front Line Workers: Mapping Future Directions in the Resolution Health Support Workers and Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator Programs in Atlantic Canada

The Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission have transformed healing, health and wellbeing services for Indigenous peoples who attended residential and their descendants. Working with the frontline health workers who provide the Resolution Health Support Program and the Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator Program, this research maps the successes and challenges […]

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Bid, Evaluate, Award (BEA) Cycle Analysis & Visualization

Measuring and assessing EPC project performance is an integral part of the management’s control function. EPC companies generate a lot of unstructured data. Visualization techniques have the potential to cope with such large datasets as are generated in EPC companies, by presenting subsets of these datasets in forms that provide useful insights for management teams. […]

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Vital Sign Monitoring for Overdose Detection and Emergency Notification

This research looks to develop a wearable device that is capable of monitoring users’ vital signs to detect an opioid overdose and send an emergency notification to emergency services for intervention. The vital sign monitoring will be carried out by a pulse oximeter, and will focus on the blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, respiratory rate, […]

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Digital interventions to improve social connectedness and mental wellbeing of vulnerable older adults during COVID-19 and beyond

This project aims to 1) identify and understand the unique social and psychological burdens that vulnerable older adults face during the pandemic, 2) explore and identify successful and unsuccessful digital interventions that has been done at the West End Seniors Network (WESN) to help raise social connectedness, and 3) develop strategies and design future interventions […]

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Pumped hydroelectric vs utility-scale battery energy storage solutions for Alberta: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment approach

Renewable sources of electricity continue to increase in market share across all jurisdictions. New wind and solar energy projects in Alberta will be the main drivers to reach the province’s 2030 target to have 30% of its electricity derived from renewable sources. Alongside these projects the power generation companies like TransAlta Corporation will need to […]

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Risk Analysis of Affordable Housing Mortgage Models

Habitat for Humanity (H4H) Halton-Mississauga (HM) provides affordable housing to families in the Halton-Mississauga region. This research project examines the viability – from a financial, organizational risk and family impact point of view – of different mortgage models. It is anticipated that the research would present practical and practicable analytics that would enable H4H-HM, and […]

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Developing a machine learning-based diagnostic strategy to detect early onset of double negative prostate cancer by integrating SEMA3C-associated genomic variations and blood biopsies

The main goal of this research project is to study if a protein named SEMA3C can be a biomarker for early detection of an aggressive and lethal form of prostate cancer, named Double Negative Prostate Cancer (DNPC). To test if SEMA3C is a contributing factor in the progression of DNPC, we will compare SEMA3C level […]

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Water Protection and Participatory Film Making: Empowering connections among intercultural groups, Indigenous youth, water, culture, tradition, and technology

The shared goal of researching how filmmaking can be an effective tool in contributing to water protection efforts, and in promoting safe water access for Indigenous communities, has brought together groups from different cultures, sectors, and countries (Canada and Australia). This internship, with the industry partner River Voices Productions will allow the intern to conduct […]

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Assessing Consumer Preferences for By-Catch Fishery Products

This project extends the development of an innovative fishery by-product business of an earlier Mitacs-funded project (McKay, McLachlan, O’Gorman, Oldroyd and Rad-Spice (2020)). The disposal of by-catch fish in Manitoba has been identified by fishers in Misipawistik Cree Nation as not only environmentally wasteful but also a missed opportunity for sustainable and culturally-relevant economic development. […]

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